Excuse you? Find your OWN man!


Well-known member
pass.. online can be IRL in a nanosecond.
i agree. to me my online friends are pretty much real life friends. in fact i speak to some of you much more than my real life friends so if anything i am more emotionally attached to some online friends! maybe i am just weird though?!


Well-known member
no Lou, I agree -- I think that would be the case for most people online. We are so connected now via the net/phones/twitter etc. -- we do spend more time on these things than sitting and having a coffee.


Well-known member
no Lou, I agree -- I think that would be the case for most people online. We are so connected now via the net/phones/twitter etc. -- we do spend more time on these things than sitting and having a coffee.
indeed! which is sad because i like sitting in a coffee shop drinking a hot chocolate! although maybe i could take my computer into the coffee shop?! lol!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by katred
Hm, I meant to be comforting, but it occurs to me that it looks like I'm saying "yeah, this sh*t happens no matter what age you are", which is depressing.

This is so true, no matter what age you are. I've found that many guys have no clue that a girl is flirting or hitting on them. Somemen are just so freakin clueless. I've been married almost 24 yrs and about 15 yrs ago this girl in my hubby's office was way too friendly. He thought she was just being friendly. He came home one day and told me she had asked him to help her move that weekend and she'd have food and drinks there. He just thought she was asking because she needed help...ah NOT. You do not ask a married man to help you move. It's not even like she was new to the area where she didn't know anyone. Whenever I was around she'd ignore me and only talk to him. I had to tell him that this is flirting big time. It's good he told me so I could clue him in on what was happening. He doesn't know how to flirt so I guess he didn't know when it hit him or hit on him:) He was just telling me about his day and what was up with everyone. Some people absolutely have no shame whatsoever.

And as to how some people think that if they're single it is somehow ok just reminds me of a phrase I heard Dr Phil say some tim ago "if they'll do with you, they'll do it to you" If you think that an attached person is going to leave the person they're with for you, whats going to stop them from finding a new toy and leaving you? Hitting on someone else's guy/girl is so not cool and just trashy.

Anyway good luck Sweetie, as long as you keep the communication lines open between you guys you should be good to go.


Well-known member
people are jerks, male or female. =( At least your man was being honest about it and was trying to stop it.

I hate how some guys just go, "oh well. She's just being friendly." My bf hardly calls anything flirty until it involves sex, so he'll let any girl say anything to him and not tell her to fuck off. He tells me you shouldn't call hot girls "bitches" when I tell him to say "fuck off bitch." I know it is mean to say that, but people won't back off or take it seriously otherwise.

I suppose some girls feel superficially empowered by getting the men who are already taken or something I cannot understand either D: My boyfriend was telling me how it is okay to be a homewrecker.... I was not happy lol


Well-known member
Stuff like your story just makes me hate ppl so muchhhh, I have had to deal with similar stuff but it always enrages me to read about it even if it's not happening to me lol Kudos to your man for having the balls and trust in you to know you would do the right thing removing yourselves from any contact with that scumbag was the right thing to do :) I'm happy for you!


Well-known member
That girl sounds like a horrible person, It's really really good that your boyfriend showed you the texts and was really open with you about it. I had a situation a while ago with my boyfriend where he was texting girls that he worked with and he would hide them from me until I finally confronted him about and then he stopped. He has started to be a little more open about if someone hits on him or something but I still feel like he might be hiding a lot..needless to say you are very lucky that your boyfriend is so honest with you! :)