face & body foundation colour confusion


Well-known member
So I recently had my makeup done at MAC Pro in Beverly Hills. (YAY!) The MA, Mary, used C1 face and body foundation. A few months ago, I had my m/u done at the freestanding store in the Glendale Galleria, and the MA(whose name escapes me...) used NW25 Select Tinted Moisturizer and NW15 Select Pressed Powder. I am so confused now!!! Is there a difference between the shades of Face and Body foundation and the others? Can I be both warm and cool? I need help.

p.s. for all of you glitter-liner collecters, they had about fifteen post-punk liners at the pro store!!!


Well-known member
MACs foundation number and letter combo is a little confusing. I believe it's something like this
NC-Neutralizes cool
NW=neutralizes warm
So all the colors used on you were cool, C1 being Cool 1, and the other colors neutralizing warm tones. Make sense? That is the best way I can think of to describe it. With the shade differences NW15 and NW25, the MA may have been using different shades to highlight and contour areas of your face. What shade do you normally wear?


Well-known member
YES, face and body runs completely different from the rest of the foundations.

I'm generally an NC5/15, but in F&B I'm an N1 (I think, it might have been C1)