Fall 2011 shows


Well-known member
What shows are you looking forward to this fall?

For me I shall look forward to Desperate Housewives - the last ever season!! 90210 is also a huge fave of mine. Gossip Girl will also start up soon but I really didn't like last season so not sure if I shall stick with it.

Oh and Dexter!! It's not until October but I can't wait!!

Ringer also has my attention - a brand new show starring Sarah Michelle Gellar :)


Well-known member
Can't wait for Fringe! And the next season of America's Next Top Model, which will be the first all stars season. That show is a total guilty pleasure!


Well-known member
oh Fringe!! how could i forget about that! I am super excited to see what is actually going on with Peter this coming season. Where did he go?! And I love Walter too - he makes me laugh :)

Oh and is anybody else surprised at how hot Josh Jackson is now? When he was in Dawson's Creek I had no opinion of him at all - but as the years go by he gets nicer looking! lol! :)