Feel like SH*T! and feel like a whale


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
Hun, have u got this months edition of Glamour magazine (the one with free Bene gloss) - It has a great bikini body special towards the back...

It specifies what to eat and what workouts to do if you have like 1 month or 2 weeks etc til your hol...

Check it out.

ive got that magazine aswell! just flicked through it once
thanks for tellin me


Well-known member
Ooooo I can write you up a work out plan if you want? The one I am doing with my personal trainer.
And your not fat. Your BOOOTIFUL! =)
Girl your something special and dont let anyone think you are not pretty because you have curves! =) I would kill for your body!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Ooooo I can write you up a work out plan if you want? The one I am doing with my personal trainer.
And your not fat. Your BOOOTIFUL! =)
Girl your something special and dont let anyone think you are not pretty because you have curves! =) I would kill for your body!

that would be great kayte
thanks!! x


Well-known member
whoever said the galmour magazine workout - i agree! it's simple, effective and doesnt require too much pressure on ur ankle.
while its still hurtin just make sure what u eat is healthy as possible..lots of fruit, vegetables..low fat snacks (which im sure u do anyway).
but like everyones been saying - ur beautiful as is, and a couple of pounds wont make that big a difference.
once ur up and about they will go so quickly anyway!
hope u feel better soon chick


Well-known member
Hey hun, i cant say anything, cause im a noob and have no idea how but a lbs is lol... we use kilo's. But i bet you're SO exagerating! You look smoking hot, i've seen your pics. I need to lose 5 kilos, and im such a dork, i eat a lot every day all the same. I can only suggest avoiding any cakes, bread, sugar etc... Im glad to hear thats just a stretch! And cmooon, cheer up, imagine how ruined the vacation would be if you actually broke a leg! Thats all ok!


Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
awww, sorry to hear your feeling this way!

I was feeling like that until last week so I started the South Beach diet. I dont have an event to lose it for, just doing it to loose weight generally.

I'm also doing South Beach, I've lost 4 pounds over 4 days so far...it is quite hard cutting out carbs but it seems to be working! I put on loads of weight working abroad (and eating loads of yummy hotel breakfasts / room service!).

Good luck


Well-known member
You have a gorgeous face and you seem really nice. don't let a few pounds get you down! I used to be a small size 12 and now I'm like a large 12 bordering on 14 and I used to get worked up about it but it's not all that counts. Honestly as soon as your foot gets better you'll be up again! Don't beat yourself up! xx


Well-known member
Sorry if this is a tad late but do the pilates 100's about 5x a day... your feet won't affect anything and it tones thighs, legs, and arms at the same time

Pilates 100s Exercises | ExpertVillage Videos

like that but lower your feet as much as possible... i try for like 6" off the floor
and if you dont have a ball like that use a soccer (or I guess football there) ball


well ya know what i mean

also try to stay off of sodium... it holds on to water and adds to water weight

and eat as much fiber as possible

hth xx


Well-known member
Did you check your body mass index calculator? It's not totally accurate because its on the computer, but it made me feel a lot more normal when i feel fat. Calculate your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator As long as you are in the normal range I wouldn't freak out yet.
People have always said I have great legs. I do two things that i don't tell everyone, even the husband, lol..
First i recommend you do some basic stretches especially for your legs. AND BE CAREFUL NOT TO REINJURE YOUR FOOT!!
1. stand with the balls of your feet on the stairs. slowly go down and stretch the back of your legs, hold it for a few seconds then go up on your tip toes and squeeze your butt together. do this until you can't do anymore daily. You'll really feel it in all the leg muscles. This really makes your legs slim and lovely. My gymnastics teacher taught me this along time ago.
2. Do sits for your butt. stand with your legs about shoulder length apart and squat down, holding your arms out in front of you squeeze your butt, hold it and come back up and repeat. Do them until you can't do any more. My friend that is a dancer (exotic) taught me that one and although i can't see my butt, it fits into clothes nicely.
More than likely the weight will come off easier this time because you were working out and on a plan. If your avatar picture is what you are now, I'd say your just fine looking and just feeling down from lack of activity. I'm sure you will look fine in a bikini and alot of it is attitude in how you wear it, so be assured that you are hot


Well-known member
I know how your feeling. I currently feel the same! I used to be about a stone lighter about 2 years ago and now I feel like such a podge and I can't seem to shift the weight.

I really should do some good exercise, i'd like to get into running but I don't feel safe enough to run on my own around here on the evening.
I'm hoping things will change next year when I get my own house.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I don't have any weight loss tips.

But I can tell you to stop f***ing bugging because you look lovely.


You look fab hun, relax and enjoy your holiday!