Feeling guilty and depressed :(


Active member
Heres the story. Me and hubby are leaving to seattle for about 2 months and we are leaving our cats in a cattery.

I am feeling so guilty to leave my cats. I become depressed whenever i think about it. I am absolutely crazy about both of them. They are my reason to being sane
when i am all alone during the day in the house. I am worried that they will pinning for us. The smallest one(bujju) is very particular about being with us. The eldest one (bommu), don't ever ask, anybody who scratches him will be his best friend
. But bujju won't eat when he starts pining and i am worried about leaving him.

I know that i am going to miss them terribly when i am there especially during the day. Does any of you feel guilty when you leave your pets?? how do you cope up with it??

And the second reason is that i don't know anybody in seattle which is seriously depressing when your hubby goes of to work and you have to be all alone in the house. i keep telling myself that i can go out but i am seriously scared to go out alone there.

This is just my rambling people because i wanted to talk to someone about how i was feeling. don't mind me


Well-known member
aw i'm sorry to hear that you can't bring them...i have three cats and i love them to death...the littlest one gets depressed when i go away from the weekend and cries nonstop when i come home...i'm a huge suck for cats too. i don't know what to tell you, except to look forward to coming home to them in 2 months! good luck


Well-known member
I'm sorry that you can't bring your cats with you! At least they will have each other while you are gone though, when I had two dogs they always did better if they were in the kennel together. What might help you feel better is to call the cattery once a week or so and check up on them. They will be alright, and so will you, just keep your chin up!


Active member
Sweetie I go crazy when I am even gone for one night without my dog in bed with me. If I leave her while away i too feel guilty, I think it happens when you have a very strong attachment to your animals and bond with them, which for an animal lover is very normal to feel that way. I am sure your cats will be fine, and when u get back to them you will appreciate them even more
Its not an easy thing to do, just like the first time you leave your child with a baby sitter, but sometimes it is neccessary. I am sure you cats will miss you, however they will probably have fun and entertainment while playing with the other cats at the cattery. Just try and enjoy your vacation, and realise your cats are lucky to have an owner that cares as much as you do, they are very lucky


Well-known member
Oh dear, i know exactly how you feel. I have 3 cats. One is at my house (Mojo, my best friend in the world) and Ginny and Grumbles live at my bfs.

When i leave mojo, i feel like im having a panic attack. I know that Ginny And Grum have each other, and they love each other so much that they will be ok, but Mojo is such a people lover. She too doesnt eat when we're gone. I actually have to ask my friend to come over twice a day to make sure she eats. She cuddles with you for a bit, and then eats and then cuddles again.

Two winters ago I was going to .... well the middle of no where Ontario to visit my new born neice with my bf. My parents were in the Bahamas, and i had been at school all week for like 12 hours a day, so mojo was really lonely as it was. I knew that when i left her she would be so sad (i was only gone for 3 days!). On the way there i was listening to Queen, and the song "Best Friend" came on, and i started bawling my eyes out. So trust me, i know how you feel. I can't tell you not to feel quilty, because i always feel guilty.

Just take comfort in the fact that they have each other. I think that makes a huge diffrence. They will be ok. We convince ourselves that they cannot survive without us, but they can. And i mean they're being taken care of 24/7 too! Just think of when you come home and can snuggle and cuddle with them and spoil them!

Oi, the plight of the cat ladies


Well-known member
I totally understand how you feel about leaving your fur babies behind. I have the hardest time leaving my cat for a vacation and I have to not think about it otherwise I cry. I know that most people think that I am silly but I love that cat more than so many things. I just try to think that Coach (my cat) is being well taken care of and that makes me feel better. Plus I always call to check to make sure that he is okay and that instantly makes me feel better.

I live just outside of Seattle in Redmond, WA and if you ever need a buddy or just suggestions of things to do please let me know.
Seattle is a wonderful and very nice city with quite a bit to do.


Well-known member
If it's not feasible to bring your cats with you... then the second best thing you can do is make sure you and they are comfortable with the cattery you are leaving them with. My boyfriend and I use to travel a lot and we kept switching pet sitters 'til we found one we were happy with. When we went to pick up our dogs they were full of energy, happy, the same weight and loving on the pet sitter. It made us so happy to know that they enjoyed their time there... it was on a big farm and we lived in an apartment so it must have been great for them.

If you're going to be lonely... maybe you can set up volunteer opportunities in Seattle for animal shelters or rescue groups - that way you can turn your love for animals into something beneficial. Or contact a kitty rescue group and see if you can be a foster mommy for 2 months.

Good luck! Leaving your pets is never easy..


Active member
thank you ladies for all your kind words. I feel much better. My cattery owner is really good. She gives them the playarea to live in which is quite huge sorta like single bedroom sized one. I am not worried about them not taken care of. I know that they will have a fun time coz they both love the owner. I am just worried about me
i guess.

@coach kitten.. I might take up your offer and maybe you could invite me to visit your cats when i am missing mine so bad
. i will be staying in bellevue.