feeling silly wearing bright eyeshadow now....


Well-known member
Does anybody else feel this way? Did you used to wear brights and only brights, maybe even found neutrals boring. but ever since you "discovered" neutrals and how amazing they are, you feel like a clown when you wear brights?
I do...and I hate myself for it lol. I have two pallets filled with bright greens and blues and a whole pallet of pinks. I hardly use them at all anymore. it's sad because I feel like I wasted so much money, and I feel bad that I feel unconfident wearing them. I shouldn't but I do. my first two neutrals were Soba and Vanilla...and ever since then I haven't been buying as many brights and have been buying mostly neutrals.
I hope I'm not the only one lol.please share!


Well-known member
I go through mood shifts with colors. Yes, sometimes, the colors look loud to me. At other times, I am grabbing glitter with bright colors. I have to keep all of them to make all of my moods happy.


Well-known member
it happened the same to me! but thank god i don't have too many brights anyway... i only have parrot, lucky green, overgrown, steamy, tilt, swimming and that's about it... the rest are not neutral but not too bright such as deep truth, sumptuous olive, juxt, contrast, humid...

i still love them but don't feel comfortable wearing them, i prefer neutrals like browns and golds or smokey eyes with silver, grey or black


Well-known member
It's nice to have a balance of the two, of brights and neutrals. My general thing is something that's a bit downplayed and sophistacted with a bright, funky edge to it.


Well-known member
Yeah I can agree with you. At work, during the day I like to stay neutral...but when I feel like dressing/looking more sheek at night, I will grab the bolder color or glitter. I love neutral colors but only for the day. I love doing my makeup more colorful and crazy at night, even if we aren't really doing anything big


Well-known member
most days im neutral cuz thats just how i roll mostly lol ..but on occasion when im feeling confident I pull out a bright look ..but its not as often as i would like ..I too sometimes feel not confident enough to rock my brights ...but I definelty play with my brights when im bored and not going anywhere lol ...it all depends I guess ...but yeah I do feel guilty for letting my brights rot away in my train case =( ...I guess it all depends on me mood.

sandyyyy <3

Well-known member
I like neutral colors too but I have alot more bright colors lol. It always depends on how I'm feeling that day so it's always different for me. When I do wear bright colors I feel happy and when I wear neutrals I feel mellow and chill.


Well, if you'd like to sell some of those brights for a good cost, I'm here for you =P .... I don't know how everyone can afford this stuff. Leaves a huge hole in my wallet. =D


Well-known member
I am humbled at the photos of women on here who do really amazing eye shadow creations with bold colors. There are so many beautiful colors to chose from but I've never felt confident enough to try to wear them.


Well-known member
i do that! I wish i wore more brights but I just don't think I pull it off. Although, occasionally I will wear bright eyeliner or some subtle hint of a bright.


Well-known member
I like neutrals on most days, but really bright colours or intense smokey eyes when I go out. When I go to a club, I go allll out and usually do something really artistic. But for the office and daily wear, neutrals are the way to go for me.


Well-known member
I don't really wear any neutrals... I don't have an every day neutral look and when I see other people post up their FOTD's with neutrals I wonder whats wrong with me lol. I only really wear bright or dramatic looks and often think that maybe I should try more neutrals... But then I do try a neutral look and feel plain, under made up, and "older." My makeup is a reflection of my personality and I guess I'm just not a neutral kind of girl. I also don't work in a job where I have to tone down my style/appearance so I get to play dress up every single day! Wear what makes you happy, and what you feel comfortable in


Well-known member
I totally know what you're talking about. I used to only use bright bold colors, but as I grew older (I'm only 28...lol) I tend to favor the "is she wearing any makeup?" look.


Well-known member
A month ago I had put away that "ugly" lipstick and today I put it on by mistake and fell in love with it all over again. Everyone goes through phases of likes/dislikes. I think it's that way with makeup too. So hold on to your "brights" you'll rediscover them soon!


Well-known member
Yeah i go through phases too. I was doing a brown/gold/vanilla eye for awhile because it seemed to go with everything and it was easier to do. Now that I have a little bit more makeup, I am looking forward to trying new looks out with my blues, purples, pinks, etc. But I can't ever find time to really do my makeup.

Now, whenever I go anywhere special, I do a black/white/silvery smokey eye. Its the most..I dunno, goes with everything, never looks bad, always makes you look great.


Well-known member
i think i'm in the middle, i don't feel comfortable with really bright colours, but always need something to give my look a kick! I'll wear a colour like parrot, but only on the outer corner and muted or smokey with a darker shade. When it comes to lips though, i almost always go for nude pinks, or muted berry colours, because i almost always focus on the yes. I agree with all the others though that there are phases we go through!


Well-known member
I ABSOLUTELY agree and know what you're talking about! I've been very anti-neutral before and ever since Sweet Sienna and Your Ladyship pigment came out, I've been very obsessed with neutrals ever since! Now I'm really into the polished "Bobbi Brown" matte type looks and obsessed with "Victoria's Secret" type looks!

It makes me a little sad too that all the colours I buy and use now are neutrals!


Well-known member
if you're unsure, use bright shadow as a liner to make your eye colour pop, - i have dark grey eyes & bright teal/blues make them stand out.
oranges/pinks with blue eyes, blues/greens with brown eyes and pinks/purples with green eyes as an accent can look stunning. i think the 'point' of bright shadows is to add interest & enhance your eye colour.