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Fertile Tutorial


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sonodara
Thanks for the name of the polish! I went out and bought it and got a pedicure and it looks awesome! Even the manicurist said "Where did you get this and what color is it; I am telling my salon to buy some".

Yay, i never say this but it is hot!


Well-known member
That is freaking gorgeous!!!!! Thank you so much for posting this!
I love everything about it and you are gorgeous! Plus what color are you wearing on your nails?


Thank you very much!

Regarding your nail polish: At first glance I was sure it was Sally Hansen, but now I'm going to look for OPI ;-)


Active member
Wow, gorgeous tut, you look lovely!
. I never normally wear nail polish but I went out and bought that Opi My Private Jet stuff, it's gorgeous!!, you've started a new trend, hehe.