Flu Outbreak Going To Prevent Hauling?


Well-known member
^^^ Not to mention as sad as it is...All jobs are not as understanding to employees being off sick....Should they be, YES, Are they, NO! Some people don't get paid and missing a day of work can in some families mean missing paying the rent or light bill..So Sad but it's the economy we live in. Is it fair they go and infect others....absolutley not...but some employees are backed in a corner by very inadequate employee/family benefits...but they need a job to pay the bills and have to settle for a check over the benefits


Well-known member
I'm going to go makeout with a swine. His name is Mr. Rbella. I hope I don't get sick......


Well-known member
^^^^ Thats funny....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
What? My sister is a pathologist and is in the medical field daily.... so I had to hurry and call her on this one....I think to say this is a gross exaggeration...Unless I misread something. Dying like flies?

lol ya it was an exaggeration


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ Thank God, girl.....You had me freakin'

shit my keyboard just broke , my dh iz gonna tell me i break everything LOL im uing on screen keybard somebody help, how do i fix?!!

anyway, tish did u read about the horror stories in mexico? where they are telling very sick ppl to go home cuz the hspital is too full? i think thats y yong peple are dying, sad aint it

grrv= im logging off stupid keybard


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yeah tell them we are still dealing with the last one they called a government conspiracy....AIDS.....we can only handle one at a time people

Not sound too crazy but as a former CDC employee working behind the scenes I wouldn't put anything past the government.....they are capable of things far greater than you would imagine and have done some dirty things to people.... I don't think people are crazy....just cautious.....with that being said I don't think this is their doing but there are some others I dont doubt....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ Oh I believe it.....it's what keeps the dollars rolling in....

OK!!! and they still paying for some of those mistakes.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsChrys79
Not sound too crazy but as a former CDC employee working behind the scenes I wouldn't put anything past the government.....they are capable of things far greater than you would imagine and have done some dirty things to people.... I don't think people are crazy....just cautious.....with that being said I don't think this is their doing but there are some others I dont doubt....

I believe this. I never used to be someone who believe in conspiracies but seeing things the government does or what they fail to do for the sake of citizens - i wouldn't put anything past them.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I am annoyed that there are people around me who are irrational and uneducated about the facts and choose to believe the worst and fear the death of themselves and their families. And they want to stir up fear in us.
I am educated and will not take their nonsense.


Well-known member
Welcome to the Free World....Everywhere you go there will be Uneducated and Irrational people...It's called Life...They don't annoy me..I just ignore and keep it moving..They probably have worse thoughts about me.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I'm trying to ignore them. Hey, I think that's what they enjoy - stirring up fear, so if they are ignored, they will stop it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
In addition to the outbreak of the swine flu in Mexico, several cases have been reported in the US, including 8 NYC prep school students who are believed to have contracted an undetermined strain.

In Queens, not too far from where I live, yikes! Glad my husband is a pharmacist.


Well-known member
I just had to post these for a bit of humour...

In Adelaide we have some bronze statues of pigs in our main shopping mall... and someone with a sense of humour thought they might be infected with the Swine Flu...



Well-known member
They have so many school closings here....Texas has had the 1st US death from the Swine Flu....a poor lil 23 month old child.....However the child had recently returned from a trip in Mexico....So Sad


Well-known member
It wont prevent me from hauling, but I'll be more carefull since I tend to catch every flu/respiratory thing these last years. Actually, it's been like that since I got the vaccine 2 years ago... I started catching every damn flu and it all ended up in a bronchitis

So, instead of taking the bus and subway to go to work, I walk... people tend to be gross in public transportation, and the drivers (bus) let wayyyy toooo many people enter the bus, it's a good way to catch other people's flu and disease... lolll

But I have to admit that it's a bit freaking me out...
I'm a freak because I watched too many zombies movies


Well-known member
The situation is very sad! My sister had contracted hepatitis A on vacation to Leon, Gto, Mexico in 2007 and she got very sick & had to be hospitalized, but recovered.

but read this today on an online newspaper article:
"The good news is, it looks like this kind of swine flu is treatable if you can get to the doctors within three to four days," as said by, Rep. Eric J.J. Massa (D), a freshman lawmaker from upstate New York.

and my response to the OP:
this (swine flu outbreak) will not prevent me from hauling, however the current economic situation in general has my hauling on HOLD.