Foundation problem?


New member
So i have had the worst experiences with foundation. Everything i have ever tried either looks cakey, dry, or masklike. Now, i have found a foundation that im content with, which is MUFE Face & Body, BUTTT now i have another problem. Everytime i try to contour or put on blush, it comes out splotchy. And its always in the same places on my cheeks. No matter how ever many times i go over my face with the product, whether its cream, powder, or liquid, it looks as if in some places the product just wont stick! Do you ladies think its my foundation?

Note: i do prime, foundation, conceal, and powder before this. You think maybe it could be my skin?


Well-known member
I've read that sometimes people rush the process and some primers and products take some time to settle in. So, allow your moisturizer time to absorb and rub in. Add the primer and then give it five minutes to absorb then proceed. You can always shorten the wait times once you are sure that's the problem. So take your time and see if there is a big change. Also, build your foundation in light layers. Let it have time to set too. It's not your skin. Use a nice soft brush.


Well-known member
I agree with trying to wait longer between your steps.
What kind of a primer do you use and what is your skin like? Have you always used that primer?
It could also be your moisturizer.
Do you cream or Powder blushes? If you always use powder, try a cream one day. You might find it sticks better.

One of my co workers has this problem with one spot on her face. Her foundation does not stick on a spot the size of a nickle on her cheek. Whatever primer shge uses, whatever foundation, whatever fixing powder, ever if she sets it with mist and fix.
Its its just the blush taht going on funny, and not the foundation, i would probably say theres a way around it


New member
i have tried both cream and powder blushes and each do the same. i use smashbox light primer, it is a new product, but even before using it i had the same problem. and i was blessed with good skin, only problems i have is redness and slight uneven skintone.

Im going to try to put more time inbetween steps, maybe fix my hair while my primer is sinking in. Im also considering getting a new foundation, because the MUFE f&b is pretty sticky, so im thinking that may be part of the problem. Now that brings another question. Any better foundations that are lightweight, moisturizing, and natural dewy finish? i was thinking maybe trying dior skin nude.