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fresh look


Well-known member
You are so pretty!

Violet Sky

Active member
owe nice... your pretty btw

do you what lip gloss Nicole wears? from Pcd.
in "wait a minute" and "beep" her lips look so nice..i love that color !!!


Well-known member
Humid looks so good on you! I have those shadow colors I think i'm gonna get blitz n glitz. looks sooo pretty!


You are so pretty and I love how you played up your eyes. I tried to do a smokey eyes with Juxt and Humid but it just looked too yellowish. Thanks for the new colors suggestions!


Well-known member
This is fantastic - I really like your clear easy to follow step by step pictures!!!

Your hair is fab too.


Active member
do you waterline on the bottom with a white-ish color? (I totally can't get nylon to look nice on my inner eye.)