From Freelance to Permanent employee


Active member
for the first time, the other I day I had a looksie at the other freelancers, and there were a lot. The thing is, the managers saw how badly I wanted it, and it reflected in my work. Turns out that, while there are something like 20 other freelancers at my counter, the job was never even posted to them because they knew they wanted me
. Prove yourself and it'll reflect in your position


Re: From Freelance to Permanent, suggestions?

Originally Posted by amoona
I only freelanced a handful of times before I got a perm position. All I did was take a trip downtown SF (which a majority of my region's counters are) and introduced myself to all the managers and asked them if they had any part-time positions avaliable because I was interested. The second manager I asked gave me an interview on the spot!

But you gotta remember that they can only hire you perm if they have the hours. The counter I was hired at for freelance/on-call wanted me to work there part-time but they didn't have the hours to give me.

I've been working steadily as a freelance artist for the last 3 weeks.. I've been doing about 22 hours per week, I'd be doing more if i didn't have a full time job on top of this...

I was offered 2 holiday contracts (15 hours guaranteed) by two different locations... I signed the paperwork today for one location... and it ends Jan 3rd.

What I want to know is how do I find out who has the hours to give permanent positions? I really want permanent part time...
The Location I signed with today is a counter, and they have no perm positions available.. I asked...

The store I also freelance with, had a 10 hour position open, which I applied for.

Should I go around to different counters and stores and see if any more positions exist?

What's my next step?


Well-known member
Re: From Freelance to Permanent, suggestions?

Originally Posted by metro_qt
I've been working steadily as a freelance artist for the last 3 weeks.. I've been doing about 22 hours per week, I'd be doing more if i didn't have a full time job on top of this...

I was offered 2 holiday contracts (15 hours guaranteed) by two different locations... I signed the paperwork today for one location... and it ends Jan 3rd.

What I want to know is how do I find out who has the hours to give permanent positions? I really want permanent part time...
The Location I signed with today is a counter, and they have no perm positions available.. I asked...

The store I also freelance with, had a 10 hour position open, which I applied for.

Should I go around to different counters and stores and see if any more positions exist?

What's my next step?

I am going to be waiting to see if somebody answer you as well... I really want to know what are the next steps. I haven't started working yet but I really wanted a permanet position!


Active member
Re: From Freelance to Permanent, suggestions?

Originally Posted by aninhabr85
I am going to be waiting to see if somebody answer you as well... I really want to know what are the next steps. I haven't started working yet but I really wanted a permanet position!

Try out freelancing first. See if the job fits you before deciding you want to be permanent. A lot of people find that the job isn't for them...


Well-known member
Re: From Freelance to Permanent, suggestions?

Originally Posted by rafaaa
Try out freelancing first. See if the job fits you before deciding you want to be permanent. A lot of people find that the job isn't for them...

That's true. But I've been wanting this for soooo long and it's finally happening. My first day is coming up soon so I'll see how it goes. I'm really excited to be working with something I really am passionate about.I do have a full time job... but I can barely stand it anymore. What I do now just isn't for me and it just makes me miserable. But I have to keep it because at this economy I can't afford NOT to have a job.


Well-known member
Sooo... I started working as a freelance artist in Dec 21st and after working two of my scheduled shifts my manager informed me that a permanent position was opening up and he was really impressed with my work and wanted to bring me in to the team if he could. Of course I was really excited but it wasn't official yet but he assured me he would let me know. On dec 29th I got offered a 18-hr position! I accepted and he told me that I would need to go to Basic this week! So I just came back from my first day at basic to let you guys know my experience. =)
My hiring was a decision between my manager and the MRO that I had interviewed previously back in September for my freelance position. I didn't have to go through another interview or demo.
Very different than some other's stories but not all the experiences are the same after all.


Well-known member
I was wondering do freelance pay differ from perm positions? Do you usually have to go thru a second demo for a perm position? I have heard that some times you do while others you don't.


Active member
I've been freelancing with MAC for two years, and I have a phone interview with the regional manager for my area today. I currently work full time as an office manager, however this position will only be 12 hours. My counter manager is pretty familiar with my work schedule availability (weekend and evenings). I know the perm part time positions pay less hourly than freelancing...but I need the extra money (current job on salary freeze), and I might as well make a lil extra doing what I like.

Has anyone had any problems being a perm part time MAC employee while working full time?


Hi everone, so im on my third day of work as an on-call, so far i looove it, im just wondering what the difference is between on-call and freelance. My manager gave me a scheduale for the whole month with about 3- 4 days a week working. Im not a permant yet, but i still have a scheduale so im thinking someone must of gone on vacation or something. It's only me and one other girl who got hired as on-call and she can only do weekends so that's probebly why i got more hours. I want to be permanent already lol, i know everybody does
Hopefully after this month i will get it, im gonna sale my booty off and work so they see im serious about this. I want to be perm and go to the basic and everything else that comes with it so bad!