Giveaway THANKS!


Well-known member
Thank you so much for doing the giveaways. Even if I don't win, it's fun learning new information about MAC, and to have a chance to participate in quizzes without having to pay for them ^_^.


New member
Although I'm generally a lurker, what more fitting a time to de-lurk than to express thanks.

This is an exceptionally lovely community of caring, generous and kind individuals.

Thank you to Spektra for making this community so special.


Well-known member
I always sat around and wondered "how come guys have forums about cars and crap and girls dont have anything"... and than an angel appear *my bff*.. and introduced me to Specktra!!! Hehehe.. you guys are truly heaven sent.. and I LOVE SPECKTRA! And thank you again for the "haul-a-days" they are soo cute and fun!


Thank you, Specktra, for all the work you have put into the Hauladays, as well as in the site! It's been great!


Well-known member
Thank you so much Janice & staff for all of your hard work, not just for what you have been doing this month, but for every single day of the year. I love this site & truly appreciate all you wonderful people do each day to make this possible!


Well-known member
Yes--I agree wholeheartedly with all of the above!! Thank you for Specktra and for taking the time to put together the giveaways! I have found the contests a lot of fun (and have broadened my MAC knowledge by looking for various answers!).

I visit Specktra at least once a day and have found it an invaluable resource as well as a fun and friendly place to relax.

So to Janice, the mods, and all the great people who make this site what it is--THANK YOU!!!


Well-known member
HaulaDays is such a fantastic gift to an already amazing site. Thank you to Janice, all the mods and everyone else who's helped spread the Holiday cheer and fun. This is one of the many reason why Specktra is such a wonderful place... And thank you to all the MA's and fellow members who've helped me expand on my looks and improve my technique; You're all wonderful!



Your generosity has been truly remarkable! I have never seen another cosmetic website that has tried to bring everyone together for some fun times and has been so generous : ) You rock!


Well-known member
I know I have said this a million times, but thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for the generous giveaway for the members, this is easily the best one I've ever seen.

Thank you for the hard work put in to this site and putting the time in to make it a wonderful place to visit.

Have a happy holiday season!


Well-known member
The Specktra staff has been amazing this Christmas season (and always!!). You guys have done sooo much hard work putting this all together, and I really appreciate it. It's been really fun looking up all the answers and stuff every day, it doesn't even matter if I win or not. You're all probably the most dedicated and loving forum staff ever. You're really demonstrating what the holiday season is supposed to be about by how wonderful you've been to all of us. Thanks for everything!!!


Well-known member
I just poured my heart out and when I clicked reply it like froze and deleted everything I wrote
so here goes!

I wanted to thank the person who brought me to this site, DANAPOTTER. I googled help with MAC makeup and her personal site came up and while surfing through her site found this site and fell in love.

Its good to have friends aside from your friends to talk to and discuss makeup as well as other things that go on in life. I get compliments at work everyday about my make up and its from you ladies with your tuts and FOTD.
You ladies even helped me with my make up and hair for my XMAS party last week. In all I guess this isnt just a giveaway thanks, its a thanks for having this site and allowing people to join and share their views, thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks to Janice, the mods and all the members of Specktra.

LOL I sound like I won a Oscar or Emmy! lol.. Where's my MAC statue??

OK, I'm done!


Well-known member
Oh I want to say THANKS too!! I love Specktra, you are part of my life, and with this mega plus (giveaways) I dont care if I win o loose you made my day jusf for the simple fact of play

Thanks to all the beautiful Specktra team!!


Well-known member
Thanks for such a fun & informative website. Not to mention one of the most interesting/fun giveaway contests I've ever entered!


Well-known member
I love the giveaways! I don't care if I win anything because I learn a lot of different things about MAC from the trivia questions.


Active member
This is a fantastic idea, soco. Thanks for making this post for us to express our appreciation to Janice and Specktra's wonderful staff.

I'm a bit of a lurker, I'll admit. I'm a bit shy about posting sometimes, but I do visit Specktra on a regular basis (its my absolute favorite beauty site). Like others, I've been visiting for quite some time for many reasons. The contributions made by the staff as well as many members is very much appreciated. Us members are thankful for the time and effort that you all put into maintaining Specktra. I really enjoy coming here.

As for the giveaways - wow! You guys already give SO much. Although you didn't have to do this for us, we REALLY appreciate it. I'm amazed at how generous and kind Janice and her staff are. I was fortunate enough to win one of the giveaways, and it does mean a lot to me (especially since I will not be receiving any gifts for the holidays, it's really nice). I still check them out - not only are the prizes absolutely awesome, but the trivia is a whole lot of fun.

Anyway, before I start rambling on - THANK YOU! x928,283,091! :p You guys ROCK!

Happy Holidays, everyone!


Well-known member
Yeah, for real, this site is awesome. Thanks for everything. I don't know what the hell I would do all day with out this! Thanks!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maggiep07
Yeah, for real, this site is awesome. Thanks for everything. I don't know what the hell I would do all day with out this! Thanks!!!!!

Seriously....anytime I am stressed or bored at work I find myself on Specktra! What would i do without you ladies and gents!?