God people really suck!

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
my car got broken into . they stole everything. my stereo..subwoofers. and amp. Its such a disgusting feeling to know some lowlife scum was sitting in my driver seat.. taking the things that I worked HARD for!!!

Oh I know! Everytime it happens...I REALLY want to get my car detailed, just to make sure all of the cooties are gone. Its hard to have compassion on them when they are so utterly disrespectful...Honestly, I have come to the conclusion that you might as well not have a nice car or nice things in it where we live...and we live in a gated community in downtown sac.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
We don't live in the ghetto, but in downtown Sacramento. We are pretty certain that its just crackheads who will try to steal ANYTHING to get money for their habit...

Yea, I've got my car broken into while I was working at my company's downtown office. They stole a few jackets & my daughter's car seat (!!), but left my iPod, make-up case, & CD's :confused: Weird. Don't know if it's ghetto folk, crackheads, or what. I just know that they're complete dumbasses for doing so.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
when i first read this thread title,i thought you meant that "god people" suck.
i was expecting to read a thread about how annoying the door to door mormon patrols are.


Well-known member
Sucks about your stuff getting taken! And I know you're not talking about EVERYONE in the ghetto. Yes ALL different kinds of people steal, but rich people usually steal big time money and shit ... not candy cane decorations.


Well-known member
For people who steal: what goes around comes around in some form... stealing Christmas decorations is disgusting!!


Well-known member
I'm still not sure what got this thread sparked in some anger but oh well.

ANYWAY anyone who steals candy canes seriously needs some help. Not sure why anyone would do that.

BUT rest assured-Karma is a bitch.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Ugh I'm so annoyed, I have to rant...
So I live on a really nice block and the whole area north of me is also really nice but starting on the block south is one of the worst areas in San Diego, it's the full on ghetto.
So I put some little plastic candy canes in my lawn up along the walk way and last night some f-in jerk douche bag stole them! Who steals people's christmas decorations?!?!?! Much less three two foot candy canes. Freaking ghetto-ass pieces of crap! I want to post a sign in my lawn that says "to the ghetto-ass piece of shit that stole my decorations, may you catch herpes and rot in hel!l"
It's especially annoying because I've been talking about how no one tries to be nice anymore and if people would just take a second here and there to be courteous the world would be so much better. God I hate people!!!!

A few nights ago, someone tried to steal my neighbor's HUGE inflatable snowman....and someone actually stole 3 large Christmas figurines from another neighbor's yard...it's pathetic (and it can happen anywhere, ghetto or not).


Well-known member
Those things are so much fun-
my neighbor has one and and lets us be nerds and run and jump on those things.

I love my neighbor. She's as warped as we are.


Well-known member
First of all, Indigo, you are beyond streathcing here. First you are saying that I said everyone in the ghetto is a thieving low-life p.o.s (whihc by the way, you can re-read everything, I never did :thumbsup: ,) next you are saying it doesn't matter if I said everyone.... Your points are being lost.
Whether or not I did say "everyone" answers the other point you continue to try to make about why I do not think my boyfriend was a ghetto-ass piece of shit when he lived there... I never said or thought everyone that lives there is.
Ghettos have high crime rates, it is what makes them a ghetto. As Shimmer said, from experience and logic I have every right to believe someone from the area a block away from me stole my stuff, it's common sense.
I learned when I was really young that if you want to argue with someone, you should have a point and it should be based on fact. Otherwise you just start blabbing off all kinds of random junk, much of which contradicts your original arguement and in the end you sound like a fool. It's a good lesson.

To everyone that has had all kinds of random stuff stolen, I'm sorry to hear your stories. It's amazing the level that some people stoop to, people never cease to amaze me with their stupidity!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
First of all, Indigo, you are beyond streathcing here. First you are saying that I said everyone in the ghetto is a thieving low-life p.o.s (whihc by the way, you can re-read everything, I never did :thumbsup: ,) next you are saying it doesn't matter if I said everyone.... Your points are being lost.
Whether or not I did say "everyone" answers the other point you continue to try to make about why I do not think my boyfriend was a ghetto-ass piece of shit when he lived there... I never said or thought everyone that lives there is.
Ghettos have high crime rates, it is what makes them a ghetto. As Shimmer said, from experience and logic I have every right to believe someone from the area a block away from me stole my stuff, it's common sense.
I learned when I was really young that if you want to argue with someone, you should have a point and it should be based on fact. Otherwise you just start blabbing off all kinds of random junk, much of which contradicts your original arguement and in the end you sound like a fool. It's a good lesson.

To everyone that has had all kinds of random stuff stolen, I'm sorry to hear your stories. It's amazing the level that some people stoop to, people never cease to amaze me with their stupidity!

You need to re-read everything (instead of trying to read me) and see that I never said EVERYONE. You said that. I quoted exactly what you said. I didn't say you said everyone in the ghetto was a piece of s***. I just made a point. I wonder if you ever told your boyfriend what you thought about his neighborhood while he lived there. No, because you didn't want to hurt his feelings or you thought he was better than the place he lived in (which is the point I've been trying to make about other people). You came on here to rant and rave about $3.00 worth of decorations (which is foolish) so everyone can feel sorry about it when that's not what Christmas is about anyways. But to drag people from low income neighborhoods into it so that people can feel sorry for you and agree that they're lowlives is low in and of itself. If we cared more about people than decorations during this time of year, the world would be a much better place.
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