Growing Hair Out


Well-known member
I'm not trying to go out a haircut or style, or anything, but I am trying to grow my hair to a length that I would prefer. Right now, it's about mid-bust length and I'd like to go about two-three more inches to below my bust. I used to have hair that long a year ago, before I experimented and cut it a bit shorter (longer than shoulder, but above the bust). Now I want to go back to my old length - my hair is totally untreated (no dying, no heat apart from a very small amount on my fringe, very little product used) and, by my calculation, my hair has grown around two inches in just over two months.

I have quite thick hair, and something like the Alexander Wang plaits is my length goal. I would probably prefer something a little shorter, but it's the general look.

I know nothing will make my hair grow dramatically quickly, but is there anything I can do to keep it in tip-top shape and more likely to grow? I have strange fears about my hair not being able to grow any longer than it is now... but I am trying to do everything that I know to get it to the stage where it is most likely to grow, such as tying it in a loose plait when I want it tied back instead of a ponytail/bun, washing it every other day, using very little heat and product... is there anything else I can do? Is it likely that my hair just... won't grow (lol I know, it's a strange fear to have when I have had hair the length I want before)?



Well-known member
i'm in the same boat as you really. i want my hair about 3'' longer than it is. mine falls under my bust when straight but when wavey it's mid bust (nipples!
) and i want it to be wavey and to cover my boobs! like yourself i have stopped using heat products (only when i really need them is when i use them), i tie my hair back loosely, wash it every 3 days - luckily it doesn't get that greasey.

you can also try a light head massage to make it grow. but the downside is that our hair grows less in the winter than it does during summer
not sure why though!


Well-known member
You can try taking the vitamin biotin. It's a b vitamin that supposed to be good for hair growth. I've been taking it for about a month. It's hard to tell how much growth I've had but it feels healthier and my nails are definitely growing faster and stronger


Biotin does work a lot. A while ago I got a bald spot and that stuff helped me soooo much! I would go to Central Market or a similar store (Whole Foods) and but the hair, skin, nails vitamin.


Well-known member
My way of getting long hair was treating it nicely and only cut when it's needed, and unless it's damaged-like that shouldn't be that often. Try to minimize the chemical damage( hair coloring, bleach, perm etc) and mechanical damage(from straightening irons, curling irons, hairbrush etc)