Hair Weaves and Wigs


Well-known member
Lately I have been wearing wigs by Deana Calli (synthetic hair) and I like the hair but sometimes it frizzes. What type of styling products do you use to maintain your wigs and weaves if you wear them and what type of hair do you prefer?



Well-known member
I'm not sure on this one.
I've worn wigs a few times but not for a long time (maybe a couple of days). Then I just toss them. I found wigs a little hard to wear but I have worn tons of weaves. If it's curly, I like some type of foaming product with moisture. On straight weaves, I pretty much didn't do anything thing. Just handle it like a wrap/press and curl.

I definitely found that with curly weaves, they last longer and are easier to manage if you tie them up some how. Like with a loose curl, I like to braid the hair at night and then put on a satin scarf/cap.

Good luck.


Active member
i only wear remi hair which is human, and other than washing it, the ONLY thing i put in it is a light mist of hairspray which is not very often.

it would seem that products would weight down synthetic hair i'm not sure


Well-known member
When I had a weave in, I had real straight hair in. I just put a straightening balm from Redken in it.


Synthetic hair has a silicone coating. With time and wear, the coating eventually leaves the hair causing the frizz. Try Silk Therapy by Biosilk it has silicones that coat the hair (its not super greasy tho) . I believe Ion (sold at Sally's Beauty Supply) makes a similar product for cheaper. Silk Therapy worked wonders for my synthetic wigs (when I used to wear them) and it works for my human hair lace fronts.