Has a guy ever said this to you about makeup ? Do tell ladies your thoughts


Well-known member
A guy friend of mine said that clowns wear makeup and he said most girls dont wear makeup I have seen a lot of girls who dont wear it .I think maybe he just doesnt realize girls have makeup on I rarely if ever see a girl without any makeup on now ever.I used to not wear makeup and hes like yeah you looked good what happened and like was saying it in a joking manner making fun of me and he laughed I could tell it was a joke.But he has seen me without makeup I went out with him recently to hangout and hes like I didnt wanna tell you but I could tell you werent wearing any makeup it looks good or you look good or something along those lines is what he said.But I could tell maybe he prefers when I dont get dressed up or wear makeup around him which is odd to me since I kinda enjoy wearing makeup lol I dont think it looks bad on me.I think I look better with it on than without it it makes me feel a lot prettier than being fresh faced / natural.I guess he prefers when I have no makeup on and wear tees and jeans ugh thats not the best look for me.I like to look more polished for sure lol.


Active member
I've got no time for guys who think they like women without makeup-- they don't even know the work so many women put into the natural look. And if the look I sport is anything BUT natural, ain't nobody's business but my own.

I had a guy ask me if I was wearing lipstick in a photo, and I detected a sort of judginess from him, and my first thought was 'I am wearing black lipstick in that picture of me on Hallowe'en, yes, however did your keep observational senses detect it?', my second thought was 'Honey you've seen me in makeup before and you didn't notice. And it wasn't even a MLBB nude/pink'. My third thought was that maybe he was not someone I needed to spend more time with-- and for other reasons it did kind of turn out I was right there.


Well-known member
Lol, fuck his opinion. Excuse my language, but not really. :D I don't care about what other people are doing to their faces; hence, I don't care what they think about mine. I once had a male (now ex)-friend inform me that "before he knew me, he thought I was a whore because I wore red lipstick, because, you know, red lipstick gives off that idea." I dropped him like a hot potato. Other guy friends have asked me who I'm wearing lipstick for, because apparently I can't just enjoy it for myself.... I educate them real quickly. There are too many people in this world to be dealing with ignorance. If someone's going to give you crap about your face and what is/is not on it, they're not worth your time. :3


Well-known member
Hmm well "the world takes all kinds" huh? In my experience I've had friends, family and significant others take notice while enjoying my makeup, also those who notice and dislike my look AND once a friend of my younger brother actually laughed in my face and told me that he was embarrassed for me. Although I was a bit offended to be laughed at in my own home..that kid is a was a rude, classless punk so I wasn't about to give it much thought. I like to wear various different styles of makeup and clothes depending on my mood ranging anywhere from classic polished looks to cute and colorful or even grunge or goth lolita looks..but it is only because I enjoy dressing up, it's a hobby to acquire news styles. Your own personal style is like your own ongoing art canvas that can and does evolve. You can express yourself and it becomes an outlet. Like with every form of art (or anything in life) there will always be someone that you can't please. There's always someone out there that will think that you are ridiculous. I think that it's important to just be true to yourself and anyone that is worth your time and really cares about you will not only not mind but they will love you for it. As long as you are doing right by yourself (and not causing harm to others) everything else will fall into place right? Although I feel that it's also important to try to be aware of certain social situations such as job interviews, funerals, weddings..it's important not to demand too much attention when it is not casual and when the situation should not revolve around yourself.

Just because someone may prefer something a certain way doesn't mean that they will HATE it any other way. Preference doesn't necessarily have to have a negative connotation. With my boyfriend, he prefers when I wear no makeup and that doesn't bother me much because not only does he find me lovely with makeup as well but he is happy just to be with me no matter what I look like. And I reciprocate the same feelings. I would not be embarrassed to be in his presence if he was wearing something that I do not prefer. Being alive and healthy and together count for a lot.. I will on special occasions such as my boyfriends birthday or my parents anniversary dress to please them as a sign of love and respect.

But anyways I'm sorry that I ramble, I find these discussions fascinating, like a cultural exchange haha...

JUST DO YOU~ And own it. There's nothing wrong with that!!
Some guys just prefer girls more natural. I wear makeup everyday, but my first love liked me more without it. Not because he "didn't like makeup," but because he didn't think I needed it. Take it as a compliment, he obviously thinks you are beautiful underneath all the makeup. If it bothers you I would suggest saying something next time, consider asking him why he keeps bringing it up. As much as I love makeup and being super girly, it's a great feeling knowing you can be yourself 100% with a guy and not worry if your real "skin is showing."


Well-known member
Guys like any woman who breathes lol. They also like to run their mouths like women ha! My first bf said he liked that I don't wear makeup. Odd bc I was wearing foundation/powder/mascara/blush/eyeliner/lipstick. Guys are also FOOLISH! And tbh damned if you do damned if you don't!


Well-known member
In the end most women I think wear makeup for them and not to attract a man. Sometimes it is not about boys ha ha.


Well-known member
It's not about guys all the time - sometimes I just enjoy the process of applying my own makeup and trying on new products. https://instagram.com/p/6KhmMgoD_e/