Having a craptastic day.


Well-known member
Hey guys. This is just a rant post. Comment if you like, or just listen.

Yesterday, I got my blonde hair dyed back to brown. In the salon it was a gorgeous, vibrant reddish brown color. However, looking more at it today, the roots were still that color but my ends are a dark, drab ashy looking color. I know it's because my ends are so porous from over bleaching it, but WAAH!! Now, I have to call my stylist again and see what my options are. I'm just scared that my hair will start to break. And, I just recently cut 12 inches off of my hair (it's now shoulder-length) and I have NO IDEA what to do with it. It won't curl, looks like shit straight and it's just blah.

And, I'm at work ... we finished early today and I get to sit here until my 8 hours are up ... I'm tired, bitchy, moody and want to go home.

Sorry for the rant (and it's mostly about my shitastic hair) but, it was needed. Thanks gals.

Oh, and got love the PMS.


Well-known member
Haha, I'm kind of the opposite when my hair is short. It only looks good straight, so I have to flat iron it.

Know what I find? It gets wavier if I wash my hair right before bed and then sleep on it. You might try that.

Girl about town

Well-known member
ouch i really struggle whe n i dye my blonde hair abck to brown and go into a major panic and feel really depressed i call it blondorexic, its probably not as bad as you think just takes some getting used to xxx


Well-known member
PMS will play Hell with hair. I think I could do a Brit and shave mine off sometimes with the PMS. Hey, I bet Brit was having some major PMS when she did that shave job.

One hairdresser told me that when you get a new hair syle or color, you need to wait at least three days. She said your eye may adjust to it.

As far as root color change, I think the stylist should be able to adjust that safely.