Having A Friend Over?


Well-known member
So,this may seem very trivial to ya'll since you guys are older and such,but I'm really scared.

I went to rehab when I was 13 and ever since then I've been going from school to school to catch up and never really made any good friends. I was too busy trying to get in the right grade (I had to drop out of seventh grade) to even think about friends other than kids I knew at concerts.

Well,I'm 16 now and I'm finally back in the right grade. I'm really scared though because besides the fact I've never really interacted with girls out of school,I recently outgrew my whole 'druggie grungey punk' phase (Not phase,but I realized it was time for me to change).

What do girls typically do when they spend the night at eachothers houses? I have no clue,and I'm really desperate to actually make decent,nice friends. All we ever used to do was sneak out and go raving... So I'm kinda scared.

I asked my friend from school (Very country,crazyily nice,normalish girl) to come chill at my house. And I have no idea what we would do. I thought I'd take her through the woods and show her the river at sunset (She likes to take pictures) and we could have kinda a 'girls day'.



Well-known member
my friends and I always liked to rent a movie or watch tv, eat snacks, pop some popcorn, have soda or make smoothies, and then just hang out and talk until some ungodly hour of the morning haha. We'd also play with makeup and nail polish and cheesy girlie stuff like that
Ohh...I miss those days!! Enjoy them while they last


Active member
Glad to hear you have made such positive changes in your life
; I know you will keep on the right path.

A "girls day" is always fun!
You could rent a good movie and/or playing in makeup is always fun
Being that she likes to take pictures, maybe you both could get all dolled up, and take some great photos!

I'm sure you all will have fun whatever you decide to do.


Well-known member
First, do things that ''looks like you'', don't go for too new...

I would show her some of my stuff, pictures, talk about your interests maybe she'll have more in common. Renting movies is a #1! Chips, candys, girlie stuff.

When I was 16, I used to go sleep at my friends houses a lot, it was fun. We closed the lights and played ''hide and seek'', also we talked about scary stuff to see who was the first to open up the lights...
We also talked a lot about boys and what was our dream.

I remember I was about 13, me and my friend never had boyfriends, we were listening to Bon Jovi's music (Always, This ain't a love song, Bed of roses...) and dream about ''THE'' guy


Well-known member
It's great to hear you're doing good now. Well I wasn't allowed to sleep over my friend's houses when I was 16. :/ BUT I would sleep at my cousin's houses and I think the best thing to do is rent a movie. Maybe your parents (if you don't drive) could take you guys to a movie rental place and you guys can see what movies you like. Gossiping is always a fun girl thing too haha.


Well-known member
It's great that you have come so far and learned so much at a young age. I'm glad to hear that your future is looking bright

As for the sleep over, I think going to take pictures is a really awesome idea. I'm with everyone else on the movie renting, it's alwyas best if you go pick it out together.
Anytime I've ever had sleep-overs and girls nights and planned too much stuff, we never ended up doing it because we were too busy talking.
A really good idea that I like is to buy a boboli pizza and a bunch of different toppings and make your own pizza. You can get the individual ones or a regular size one and each do half. It makes for a good, social meal. I make those things for dinner all of the time, yummy.
I'd also pick up a few magazines so if you guys get bored at all you can look threw em together and talk about clothes and makeup you like.
Otherwise a nice face mask and some nail painting is always a good time! Listen to music, look at pictures, whatever, it doesn't all have to be ultra girly foo foo

Have fun


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
ahaha bernadette i didnt even see ur post and i was thinking the same thing lol

Great minds think alike


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
my friends and I always liked to rent a movie or watch tv, eat snacks, pop some popcorn, have soda or make smoothies, and then just hang out and talk until some ungodly hour of the morning haha. We'd also play with makeup and nail polish and cheesy girlie stuff like that
Ohh...I miss those days!! Enjoy them while they last

oh man its true! enjoy them while they last! i miss those days of , just sitting in my room talking about whatever the heck we wanted, trying on all of my clothes.. haha. it was great! .. my friends and I would make mac and cheese. all the time! those were good times. we would listen to some music, watch movies, eat, sleep


Well-known member
=) aw, i understand how it can be a bit nerve-racking! I never got the hang of playing 'hostess' until after high school. Actually, it's still doesn't come naturally to me, even though I've had plenty of practice....and high school was a while ago for me! I would try to pick out a few suggestions mentioned already (they all sound pretty fun!) and see what your friend is up for? I'm sure things will go smoothly... no need to sweat it =) love your handle name by the way, so cute!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zdazzle
Glad to hear you have made such positive changes in your life
; I know you will keep on the right path.

A "girls day" is always fun!
You could rent a good movie and/or playing in makeup is always fun
Being that she likes to take pictures, maybe you both could get all dolled up, and take some great photos!

I'm sure you all will have fun whatever you decide to do.

Totally agree...you've come a long way...congratulations..

I agree with everyone else...rent a movie, eat junk food, discuss boys, etc...have a wonderful time...it's tough to do those things once you're an adult...


Well-known member
yay for you for the changes you've made!

i totally understand how difficult it can be- honestly, makeup forums comprise most of my positive interaction with other girls. but i think you've gotten some great advice here. i would mostly just say to rent movies, hang out, eat really bad junk food.

i think your photography idea with the river sounds great too- talk to her about the things she's interested in and share your interests with her- just try to deepen the friendship you already have, but be relaxed- you'll have a great time


Well-known member
Nice to hear your on the right track! All the other girls listed my ideas so no need to relist then cause I think you get the idea. Only advice I can give is be yourself and just have fun! Hope you girlies have a great night together!!!


Well-known member
Thank you guys so much.

It went very well and we had MUCH fun. It was amazing,and I never really knew you could have so much fun just hanging around the house.

I just wanna say thanks for all the support and stuff. Its definitly making me consider doing this more often.


Well-known member
hey, i see you don't need any more advice, and i'm glad to hear you guys had fun!
i just wanted to say that it's great that you came out of the situation you've been in, i know how hard it is since i was in the punk scene aswell and i know it from up close. i never touched drugs myself, but i knew some that did and died. also a very close friend of mine used to be deep in it, and she's in college now, after beeing totaly clean for a few years now! so i hope u'll continue this great new path you've started, and wish you lots of success!


Well-known member
You definitely should! But don't shy away from doing things that you enjoy... otherwise you aren't truly making friends. A friend, in my opinion, needs to love who you really are in return. Let's say you got off to an early start with the raving and going out, take it down a notch a little and enjoy being young and making adventures out of your situations.... like hanging out at home. If you ever need something to do... I know this is silly, but bake a cake or brownies... they take a while and cooking with someone else is always a good way to start a bond with someone.