He doesn't want a relationship


Well-known member
Argh! I met this guy like a few weeks ago. I was out for a meal with a friend and I thought he was good looking so i asked for his number. We met up the next day and went out for drinks. Got on so well and I instantly liked him. I'm 19 and he's 25. Stayed round his 3/4 times since and we have a great laugh. However he has told me he doesn't want a relationship and just wants sex and fun. I'm not sure what to do because I know it's not going anywhere and I'm just going toget hurt but It's so so hard to walk away from someone you feel such a connection with. He's really sweet to me - calls me baby, cuddles me and brings me hot chocs in bed!!! But I dont think he respects me as a person. I feel like he's walking all over me


Well-known member
If he tells you he just wants sex than he just wants sex don't go in thinking you will be the one to change him, because not to be rude you will not more than likely. What do you want from this? If you know you can go in without hurt feeling by all means continue with the relationship as is, but if you know you are going to eventually want more I suggest you let him know now. You can do so much better for yourself!


Active member
If he tells you he just wants sex than he just wants sex don't go in thinking you will be the one to change him, because not to be rude you will not more than likely. What do you want from this? If you know you can go in without hurt feeling by all means continue with the relationship as is, but if you know you are going to eventually want more I suggest you let him know now. You can do so much better for yourself!


Definitely realize that he just wants sex. He might make you feel great at times, but that's part of the "fun."

I agree that you need to think about what you want from this. If you are looking for a relationship, it might be wise to back off now before you get hurt.


Well-known member
You deserve to be loved and respected. You should tell him you're looking for love and a life partner. If he says no than leave, or if you are okay with how it is, no one is judging. Don't think men will change... I was with someone thinking he wouldn't cheat on me and that I could change him and how wrong was I :( Once a cheater always a cheater, etc. Don't settle for less because you're lonely. You deserve much more.


Well-known member
My boyfriend was interested in what i was typing and read this. He thought you should slowly step away, meet less frequently and meet other people. If you still feel the way you do after a while, then tell him what you feel and u can work it from there he basically said "set the ground rules".


Well-known member
Tuesday he was going to come to mine for the first time. He doesn't have a car so I was going to pick him up And drop him off which would be roughly 60miles! Stopped off And got his favourite sweets on the way to his. Got there at 1pm and he refused to get out of bed. Didn't even get out of bed to say hi. Just told me to turn the f****ing light off. He text me saying not to make a big deal out of it and he'd give me the Petrol money. I didn't reply and haven't heard from him since


Well-known member
popped in to see how you were doing, UGH what a deadbeat. Don't talk to him anymore for your own sake :<
That was very sweet of you, if I was a man I'd be your man :)