~Hello Everyone~


Hi everyone, just joined the forum. Some things about me...

I'm 20 years old, married, and I am a student at a University. Besides my other favorite hobbies such as writing, I love makeup. I find putting on makeup to be a meditative thing and it is part of my daily routine (although. admittedly, some days when I am just around the house, I take a day off)

I also own an online store to help make money for my family. Business has been really slow lately (I just started the store in October).

I also just started a beauty/makeup blog. I have a TON of reviews coming up (and they aren't exactly the most reviewed products either!)

Let me know what you think! I'm trying to find a better layout since I'm not really a fan of this one. I want something lighter. I'm trying to find a blogger layout similar to this:

But I literally searched the internet last night for 3 hours looking for one and couldn't. I even tried to make my own and failed. If you guys could suggest a good website with free ones that would be great. I did find one last night but the codes were not properly formatted and Blogger wouldn't accept them ;__;

Can't wait to meet all of you!



Well-known member
welcome to speckra! you can put your etsy and blog link in the signature area of your profile :)


I tried but it's not letting me access it :( I sent an email to the support/help of specktra.

Wait, why are my links gone from my welcome post??


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra :welcome: Btw, links to your own blogs etc are only allowed in your signature as per Specktra rules.


Well-known member