

Active member

I'm Dani. Thought I'd pop my head in and say hiya.

I've bought Mac for around....4/5 years and love love love it. I'm from the UK, have lived in Thailand (where I learnt lots about Mac fakes... eww mirror compact blughh) and London but now live by the sea

I work at a newspaper in advertising which is pretty good because if I get a bonus or commission I've got plenty of excuses to expand my collection.

I'm quite odd and don't wear make up most days but LOVE to experiment when I go out. Not only do I find that it's quite striking but most people don't recognise me which I like.

Fave Mac product... Hmmm.... Teal Pigment I'd have to say.
Absolute necessity would have to be my Technakohl eye liner in Graphblack (literally will not use anything else!)
Favourite non Mac product... that would have to be my Benefit Some Kind of Gorgeous.

So looking forward to meeting all you guys and can't wait to find out as much as I can about this brand and any other brands that I stumble across....and that's me

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