Help me figure out whats going on with my skin!


Well-known member
Hi Everyone

I've recently been having some skin issues. About 1-2 months ago i started getting these small red bumps on my skin, especiallly on my cheeks. I've previously had acne in my younger years but i'm not currently on any medications.

I'm wondering what this might be. doesn't seem like a break out, or at least not any i've had before. Is it a rash? Some allergy??? I dont think I've used any new products out of the ordinary.






*Spots/rash looks a bit more vivid in real life. Does not itch but painful if i use an exfoliating scrub or any AHA/BHA.

I'm thinking of booking an appointment with my dermatologist but I'm hesitant to go on medz unless i have to. I'd like to know what you guys think.


Well-known member
It definitely looks like some kind of a rash or allergic reaction. Or even eczema (sp?). My cousin breaks out like this when she eats seafood.

I wouldn't be using any exfoliating scrubs AHA/BHA until you get this fixed. You could be making it worse. Definitely make an appt with your doctor or dermatologist to figure out what is going on and what to fix it with.

Sorry to hear this is happening to you. I had a sudden onset of adult acne all over my face earlier this year. And I finally have it under control; so I know how it feels when you don't like how your face looks with all the breakouts and stuff. Hope it will clear away quickly.


Well-known member
You may be allergic to something....I would seriously go to the dermatologist if you can...Some product can make acne or eczema worse ...It looks like a rash of some sort...Is it itchy? It may be something you ate...not necessarily applied to your skin.


Well-known member
im gonna say allergic reaction or ezema.

you may have recently become allergic to a product you've been using for a while. It happens sometimes. I used to be ok with zest soap and then all of a sudden it made my skin crazy itchy and i had ateeny red bumps all over my back.

Ezema can also strike at any point in your life. I've only had it a couple of times and it was brought on by stress (i had some on my collar bone and mostly around my left eye). My boyfriend has had it since he was a kid and gets it from sweat (on his hands from his hockey gloves).

Go to a derm. they can prob. sort it out easily enough. if it is ezema, i would suggest using protopic, or at least asking about it. It was litteraly an overnight miracle for me. I had had the ezema for like 2 months (slowly getting worse) until some days i would wake up and my eye would be swollen i woould have a vertical crease in my eye (gross!) This cream got rid of everything within about 6 hours. But it was about 80$ for a tube.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
im gonna say allergic reaction or ezema.

you may have recently become allergic to a product you've been using for a while. It happens sometimes. I used to be ok with zest soap and then all of a sudden it made my skin crazy itchy and i had ateeny red bumps all over my back.

Ezema can also strike at any point in your life. I've only had it a couple of times and it was brought on by stress (i had some on my collar bone and mostly around my left eye). My boyfriend has had it since he was a kid and gets it from sweat (on his hands from his hockey gloves).

Go to a derm. they can prob. sort it out easily enough. if it is ezema, i would suggest using protopic, or at least asking about it. It was litteraly an overnight miracle for me. I had had the ezema for like 2 months (slowly getting worse) until some days i would wake up and my eye would be swollen i woould have a vertical crease in my eye (gross!) This cream got rid of everything within about 6 hours. But it was about 80$ for a tube.

Can you develop ezema all of a sudden? I've heard of this condition before but never thought I might have it, though come to think of it, I've gotten similar rash/irritations every once in a while... hmm...


Well-known member
When I started using clinique 3 step it skin went crazy and I got cystic blood filled zits on my face so I think it could def be an allergic reaction! Like before mentioned you might want to look up on skin conditions such as eczema on it gives you a full list of symptoms you may have and you may he able to determine it by narrowing down the possibilities. STOP using exfoliators as they WILL irritate your skin more. HTH

Use cream cleanser instead of gel cleanser which tends to leave a film and lead to breakouts.


Well-known member
def an allergic reaction. It could be something your eating as well. I was never allergic to strawberries, until one day i ate one and my skin got really dry and red and my eyes were so swollen i could barely open them.


Well-known member
I don't think eczema because eczema itches. It also doesn't really look like an allergic reaction to me.

But we could go on about this forever, no one will know except for a dermatologist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PBunnieP
Can you develop ezema all of a sudden? I've heard of this condition before but never thought I might have it, though come to think of it, I've gotten similar rash/irritations every once in a while... hmm...

Yep, I did and never had it in my life. I got terribly stressed when I found out that my neighbors bugs were coming through the walls. Stress and hands in cleaning gloves for hours straight made them dry and peel. No lotions worked, I put on olive oil and keep cleaning to a short period now... and I am moving! Screw all that nonsense!

Adult acne is bad I got it at 25 ewww, I can feel the OP pain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I don't think eczema because eczema itches. It also doesn't really look like an allergic reaction to me.

But we could go on about this forever, no one will know except for a dermatologist.

my eczema didnt itch, it was crazy crazy burning.

blood fill zits... that sounds so awful

OP, i actually get a rash that kinda looks like this when i use moisturizers/foundations with SPF in them. i would say stick to cleaning your face with spectro until you figure out what it is.


Well-known member
Thanks for the advice everybody. I've stopped using ALL my fancy skincare stuff [no vitamins, no acids and what not] and just basic cleanser and cream. Seems to be calming down a little.

Aparantly if I have to get a referal from my doctor in order to book the derm [if i haven't been in 6months] and the wait for the derm is 2 1/2 MONTHS!!! Oh bugger >.>"