

New member
Help me please I'm only 11 but I want my nose pierced need advice weather to get it done or not heeelllllppp xxx :encore: :bouquet::bigstar::bump::shock::bouquet:


Well-known member
Dont. it may seem like a cool idea now but wait for anything permanent on your face until your on your 20s at least.. right now youre not sure what career you will take and you might regret it.. specially since its in the face. i was your age when i wanted to pierce my nose too.. dont get me wrong, many people rock it and it looks really cool... but i ended up being a public relations person for an insurance company so anything like that on my face wouldve been unnaceptable. i still dress and makeup as punk and exhuberant as i want on my own time!!! but the bills are paid by my more mainstream look. why do you want to pierce your nose if you dont mind me asking?


Well-known member
I agree with [@]mosha010[/@]. I got my nosed pierced when I was 18. I wanted to look more professional for the job I had when I was 21. Now, it's closed up and I still have a little hole that shows on my nose. Your style will change so much between now, the next 10 years, and throughout adulthood. When I was 11, I wanted tattoos everywhere. Now, I wouldn't dare (mostly because I would never be able to pick something that I'd love from now to forever).


Well-known member
Clampit, 11 is not old enough in most places to give consent for a piercing. Even with parental consent, reputable places won't do it until you're at least 14 or 16. I also agree with mosha010 and MaitatFluff, you need to wait at least a few more years to decide.


New member
Google it and a wikihow for how to take care of a nose piercing will come up. Make sure your parents are okay with it as well :) Hope I helped !


New member
I have my nose pierced and so does my friend but shes in her twenties and wouldnt entirely recommend it for a girl the age of 11 wait a few years sure some people your age may have this type of piercing because of the type of parents they have but you dont have to be part of the in crowd just go to school and have fun while your still a kid because when your older there'll be plenty of things you can do that you cant when your still as young as you are sure your only 7 years younger than me but still live while your young because you wont always be as young and free to do whatever you wish and attend school with all of your friends and times change you might not want this type of piercing in a few years time its better if you wait for it is what i'm trying to say