How rude!


Well-known member
The store where I work does tax exempt sales for the first nations people and they have to go through a delivery service instead of just taking it home themselves like with regular sales (no idea why, but whatever). Anyways, tonight I was working in layaway (where the tax exempts are done) and had to call the delivery service to come pick something up. When the delivery guy came he told me that he was the one who had answered when I called and that he thought it was a joke because I sounded like a seven year old. I think that comment was completely uncalled for because it had nothing to do with the transaction, clearly he was only saying it to make fun of my voice. I told him it happens all the time (which is true), but I was so embarrassed I couldn't even bring myself to make eye contact with the next person in line.

Just had to vent, it really pissed me off. Anybody else ever had to deal with people like that at work or whatever?


Well-known member
eww that's lameo. I would have been so mad.

whenever i answered the phone the person on the other end would ask if I was my mom (I'm a guy), that's the closest thing i've experienced.


Well-known member
One time I was working for my moms job, and someone told me I looked like Ugly Betty...and he said it in front of like, omg a crowd of people, I felt AWFUL about myself......

like ouch. Screw people....people are ALWAYS saying rude things like that to the girls at my pharmacy guy told my coworker she looked like she had jaundice because she was tan
and another guy told this other girl to loosen her perm a little bit (her hair is curly)...

People are weirdos...forget about him, I bet you sound adorable


Well-known member
People always think I'm younger over the phone, but that's the first time anyone has ever said anything to me about it. Usually I find out through my parents or my sister. I think some people think I'm putting on a fake voice or something because I've had customers mimic me before (which I also thought was very rude), saying "how are you?" in a high pitched voice after I asked them the same thing.


Well-known member
One time I had to call Comcast to complain about something and I was waiting on hold for like five million years and when I finally got to talk to someone I told them the problem that I was having. After I was done the guy was like "how old are you?" and I was caught off guard so I answered (20) and the guy said "Oh. You sound like you're 12." So I said "may I speak to your manager, you sound like you're incompetent." (This was after I had verified all of the information on the account, mind you.)

Grrrr... I share your annoyance.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, most people out there just don't think before they speak.

OOOH LORD...a few months ago, I was having one of those stay in my pjs all day days. I had my hair half up in a scrunchie and smudgie eye makeup from the day before. I heard the UPS guy ring the doorbell, gave it a few seconds then went to the door because usually he's halfway down the street by then. Well, there he was standing there and there I bra, scrunchie, pj's, 3 pm, tragic. Just the expression on his face pissed me off. It was really funny though. He was like shocked looking like he wanted to laugh. And what made matters worse is that I actually had to stand there and talk to him for a few minutes about something that happened....long story.
So now, I either hide from him, or make it a point to go to the door and be visible when I'm presentable so he doesn't think I'm

I have the same deal voice-wise. I sound way young.


Well-known member
People are rude, they don't think before they speak. In his case, he was just being a jerk off. Don't let it get you down!
I used to answer the phone for this company in high school and the lady thought I was a recording because I guess I sounded so monotone LOL. The way she said it was rude, so I hung up on her ass!


oh man, i know EXACTLY how you feel!

i'm 18 and have been told that i sound 5. i've always been called a "chipmunk". i have been approached by people thinking i am 21 yo+ then they have this huge shocked expression (
)when i talk.
i am always polite and i think some people mistake this for being fake/sickly sweet because they ALWAYS try to mimic my voice and it drives me INSANE. i've even had conversations with my friends and have heard people walking next to me repeating what i've said in a high pitch voice just for kicks.
only males seem to make this sort of joke. i know some of them are being flirty (yeah, pissing me off is really the key to my heart...
) but even then i just want to sack whack them or give them a nipple cripple because it is so damn rude!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
It wasn't called for, but I'd just try to blow it off. At the end of the day, he doesn't affect you at all.

I get the same thing and just ignore it. He's trying to get to you.


Well-known member
We can't always control what people say to us. All we should do is decide what to take from it. I have gotten comments about my voice before.. someone had told the person that I was working with that I sounded like a young girl and I tried to change the tone of my voice and make sure to speak with more confidence and in more of a professional manner.
We can get offended by what people say, we can brush it off, or we can use it to improve ourselves if necessary.


Well-known member
One day my boss was out for a meeting. (It was a woman).

A guy called in, he wanted to advertise on our website. I was answering VERY WELL his questions, and then out of nowhere he said : Now I really need to talk to your boss, I hate dealing with womans, you (woman) don't understand my needs.

I answered him like this (in french) :
Poor sir, you'll be sad to know that all the staff here is feminine...

He hung up!

Humane nature...


Well-known member
people always tell me i look like a little kid when i'm at work (i don't wear much makeup to work) and always ask me if i'm old enough to be there. or they think i'm a volunteer...which i always take offense to, since i've been there for such a long time.

i think maybe people don't mean it to sound rude when they say things like that, though. i still never got why it's okay to underestimate somebody's age but not okay to overestimate it...same difference, no?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
One time I had to call Comcast to complain about something and I was waiting on hold for like five million years and when I finally got to talk to someone I told them the problem that I was having. After I was done the guy was like "how old are you?" and I was caught off guard so I answered (20) and the guy said "Oh. You sound like you're 12." So I said "may I speak to your manager, you sound like you're incompetent." (This was after I had verified all of the information on the account, mind you.)

Grrrr... I share your annoyance.

Comcast customer service is horrible!So glad I got rid of it.


Well-known member
I look really really young, and I'm also super short. I've had a bunch of customers at work make comments basically that I wasn't old enough to be doing makeup. First off, I'm an awesome makeup artist.. second off, clearly if I'm working there- I'm not too young to be doing makeup. So piss off. Thanks. I'm 21, I get IDed at least 2-3 times whenever I go to a bar, hit on by 14 year olds, and a few times I've been out with my bf and people thought I was his little sister..I get it enough, I don't need to hear it at work. I'm damn good at what I do, if you want to go to somebody who looks older then that's your choice but it's a stupid one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BarrelOfDonkeys
The store where I work does tax exempt sales for the first nations people and they have to go through a delivery service instead of just taking it home themselves like with regular sales (no idea why, but whatever). Anyways, tonight I was working in layaway (where the tax exempts are done) and had to call the delivery service to come pick something up. When the delivery guy came he told me that he was the one who had answered when I called and that he thought it was a joke because I sounded like a seven year old. I think that comment was completely uncalled for because it had nothing to do with the transaction, clearly he was only saying it to make fun of my voice. I told him it happens all the time (which is true), but I was so embarrassed I couldn't even bring myself to make eye contact with the next person in line.

Just had to vent, it really pissed me off. Anybody else ever had to deal with people like that at work or whatever?


Yeah you should have told him, What's even funnier is that from the sound of your voice I was sure you would be good looking, Goes to show you can't judge a person by the sound of their voice.


Well-known member
I worked for Arch Chemicals ( Pool chemicals) diagnosing and telling people how to fix their pool problems.

I spent an hour on the phone with a very rude man that had put too much Stabilizer in his pool ( this makes the chlorine ineffective) and after going around and around with him telling him the only thing he could do to fix it was partially drain his pool. He treated me like I was stupid and asked if there " was anyone else who knew what they were talking about".... I turned to a friend of mine in the next cubical ( a Male) and gave him my headset, He told the man EXACTLY the same thing i did ONCE and the man was fine with it... I was infuriated. This A hole called me doll & bell to beggin w/ ( I have a souther draw) and the treated me like i was stupid b/c he didn't like what I was saying and I was not a man ....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
One time I was working for my moms job, and someone told me I looked like Ugly Betty...and he said it in front of like, omg a crowd of people, I felt AWFUL about myself......

like ouch. Screw people....people are ALWAYS saying rude things like that to the girls at my pharmacy guy told my coworker she looked like she had jaundice because she was tan
and another guy told this other girl to loosen her perm a little bit (her hair is curly)...

People are weirdos...forget about him, I bet you sound adorable

WTF?! Ummm yeah the asshole could have said you looked like' America Ferrera" ...idiot. lol...So it's funny that everyone sounds young, because ever since I was like 11, people always thought I was my mom when I answered the phone, gah even my stepdad would say ' hey baby' when I answered the phone, LMAO...The worst comment I ever got was when I was 16 I told the guy his total when I was a cashier and he says, 'you sound like a phone-sex operator, how old are you?' I was 16, I told him and he was like OMG I'm so sorry and practically ran out the door! lol So you girls sound young and I sound like a slut...greeeaaaat lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
WTF?! Ummm yeah the asshole could have said you looked like' America Ferrera" ...idiot. lol...So it's funny that everyone sounds young, because ever since I was like 11, people always thought I was my mom when I answered the phone, gah even my stepdad would say ' hey baby' when I answered the phone, LMAO...The worst comment I ever got was when I was 16 I told the guy his total when I was a cashier and he says, 'you sound like a phone-sex operator, how old are you?' I was 16, I told him and he was like OMG I'm so sorry and practically ran out the door! lol So you girls sound young and I sound like a slut...greeeaaaat lol

... stepdad thing is way creepy/funny. And that guy totally felt like a perv, haha!


Well-known member
Oh man, we're in the exact same boat, except I'm 23 and I still get told I look like a 14 year old.

I work in retail, and I always have to greet customers and ask if they need any help and I always get rude smartass people. One time as I was passing a customer I asked if he needed help and he didn't, so I started to walk away then he goes, "wait, hold on" so I thought he changed his mind and had a valid question to ask, but instead he says, "how OLD are you?" So I told him I was 23 and he goes, "oh I thought you were a kid." gee, thanks asshole. Sometime I want to try to make people feel like a jerk by telling them I'm 14 and I had to drop out of school b/c I got knocked up and my parents kicked me out. (if this actually happened to anyone I hope this doesn't offend you!)

Another time I had this heavy set customer say something like, "you're so tiny, how tall are you?" Who really asks that? I wanted to be like, "well you're pretty heavy, how much do you weigh?" BUT I figured I would have gotten in trouble.

Being small comes with having a little voice also so everyone teases me about it too, but I guess you just cant take it too personally. I hate the sound of my own voice, but I think it's cute when other girls have little voices.

Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
I look really really young, and I'm also super short. I've had a bunch of customers at work make comments basically that I wasn't old enough to be doing makeup. First off, I'm an awesome makeup artist.. second off, clearly if I'm working there- I'm not too young to be doing makeup. So piss off. Thanks. I'm 21, I get IDed at least 2-3 times whenever I go to a bar, hit on by 14 year olds, and a few times I've been out with my bf and people thought I was his little sister..I get it enough, I don't need to hear it at work. I'm damn good at what I do, if you want to go to somebody who looks older then that's your choice but it's a stupid one.