I finally got it! (New Piercing Inside!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Robby_Raynebow
I finally got my very first piercing and I am sooooo excited, I absolutely love it and the experiance was great. After finally finding a shop I went in and did the papers and stuff. My mom had 2 sign off cuz I'm only 15. The cute piercer took me back where I flirted while getting it done, it did not hurt at all. It kind of felt interesting. But now 2 days later it's swelling really bad and since he pierced it with a regular labret stud its really tight, but I'm doing sea salt soaks and keeping it clean.

How's it healing up? I wish I had read this the day you posted...if you're still swelling, march your butt right back into that shop and make the piercer put a longer labret stud in there. They're always always ALWAYS supposed to pierce you with a longer piece of jewelry than you think you need. For the first two weeks it's a little obnoxious, and maybe not the sexiest look, but it keeps it from becoming embedded in your skin. I worked as a piercer, and saw a lot of people come in with labret studs that had started to embed in their lip thanks to a too-short bar. Also, maybe not right now, while you're still healing, but once you've settled on a length for the stud, you might want to invest in an internally threaded one. They tend to stay together better than the externally threaded ones...you have less of a chance of losing the ball.
Also, the anti-bacterial soap is fine for now, but make sure it's mild...anything too harsh will dry out the piercing and make it harder to heal. The sea salt soaks are good, but make sure the salt to water solution is correct, too much salt will, again, dry out the piercing. If you get any crusty stuff on or around the piercing while you're healing, clean it off with a q-tip and some warm water. Crusties getting inside the piercing are bad, but over-cleaning is equally as bad. Stick to twice a day, and you should heal up beautifully.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
A lot of people say tongue rings don't hurt, but mine did. Never got infected though, but it did hurt. Mine is positioned in the middle and not near the tip so it had to go through more flesh. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Belly ring didn't hurt much, just got rather sore and a little tender. It's still discharging a little and healing after 4 months.

Woah! 4 months? Damn girl...navels can take a little while to heal, but I've never seen anyone still discharging after 4 months, unless it was infected. I'm NOT saying that to scare you, everyone's different, and you might just be one of those people who take a while to heal (like I said, *I've* never seen anyone in your situation before), but I'm curious to know what it looks like. Is it still red and angry around the jewelry, or does it look fairly normal, and just has a little bit of discharge still?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Woah! 4 months? Damn girl...navels can take a little while to heal, but I've never seen anyone still discharging after 4 months, unless it was infected. I'm NOT saying that to scare you, everyone's different, and you might just be one of those people who take a while to heal (like I said, *I've* never seen anyone in your situation before), but I'm curious to know what it looks like. Is it still red and angry around the jewelry, or does it look fairly normal, and just has a little bit of discharge still?

No it's just a little discharge every now and then. It's nothing like how it was in the beginning. I was reading that it can take up to 6 months to heal so I got two more months. No pain or anything. I haven't change my jewelry yet, I may do that some time next month. I want to go into a bigger gauge. Oh and it looks normal. I exercise so I do a lot of superman and leg lifts throughout the week so that is what could be prolonging the process. I don't know, but I don't want to stop working out.


Well-known member
I love it, it flatters you so well!

I've wanted a monroe for awhile, I might get it in a few weeks, but I'm not sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
No it's just a little discharge every now and then. It's nothing like how it was in the beginning. I was reading that it can take up to 6 months to heal so I got two more months. No pain or anything. I haven't change my jewelry yet, I may do that some time next month. I want to go into a bigger gauge. Oh and it looks normal. I exercise so I do a lot of superman and leg lifts throughout the week so that is what could be prolonging the process. I don't know, but I don't want to stop working out.

Ah ha..all right LOL Yeah, any kind of excess pressure like the superman, sit-ups, crunches, even pants that rub against it can prolong the healing process. I'm glad it looks normal and doesn't hurt, though, you had me worried for a second!


Well-known member
I love piercings!!! The one you choose looks great on you. Besides my ears I have 3 other piercings. I have the VCH and both nipples. Currently im on the fence about getting a tongue piercing. I would love to hear anyone's experience....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
I love piercings!!! The one you choose looks great on you. Besides my ears I have 3 other piercings. I have the VCH and both nipples. Currently im on the fence about getting a tongue piercing. I would love to hear anyone's experience....

I had my tongue done maaaaaaaaaany years ago...I've since gotten it from a 14 to a 2...and I'll tell you that stretching is way worse than piercing. Anyway...the piercing itself was honestly pretty painless for me...the worst part (seriously) were the clamps and the "POP" feeling when the needle went through. Afterward, the swelling, and not being able to talk without sounding like I had a mouth full of golf balls sucked, but chewing on lots of ice and popping motrin every 8 hours really helped that a lot, and I was back to eating normally within two days.
I've had many many piercings, from head to toe (although many of them have rejected, or I've had to take out for one reason or another), and can honestly say that the tongue was definitely in my top 3 least painful piercings...the only two that hurt less were my VCH (I didn't feel a thing except the piercer's cold hands LOL) and my nape. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
I love piercings!!! The one you choose looks great on you. Besides my ears I have 3 other piercings. I have the VCH and both nipples. Currently im on the fence about getting a tongue piercing. I would love to hear anyone's experience....

How was the pain on the nipple rings? I want those, but that terrifies me. I don't know anybody who has them to ask for reassurance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
How was the pain on the nipple rings? I want those, but that terrifies me. I don't know anybody who has them to ask for reassurance.

I had mine done too...twice. O_O All I have to say is ouch. The first time, they were done wrong, pierced too far forward (I was young and stupid, didn't know any better), and they never healed, even after a year and a half...the second time, they were perfect (hurt a little more cuz it had to go through some of the scar tissue), healed up quickly, and I loved them...but I had to take em out when I got preggo...apparently my nipples got bigger. WTF? Anyway...I'd get it done again, but I'm not so sure I want to go for round three.
In short, they hurt like a b*tch...but they're so worth it.

DILLIGAF, sorry for stealing your thunder...hehe but I figure the more opinions the better, right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
How was the pain on the nipple rings? I want those, but that terrifies me. I don't know anybody who has them to ask for reassurance.

Pretty Much ForgetRegret covered it. Its actually pretty painful but worth it IMHO.

Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
I had mine done too...twice. O_O All I have to say is ouch. The first time, they were done wrong, pierced too far forward (I was young and stupid, didn't know any better), and they never healed, even after a year and a half...the second time, they were perfect (hurt a little more cuz it had to go through some of the scar tissue), healed up quickly, and I loved them...but I had to take em out when I got preggo...apparently my nipples got bigger. WTF? Anyway...I'd get it done again, but I'm not so sure I want to go for round three.
In short, they hurt like a b*tch...but they're so worth it.

DILLIGAF, sorry for stealing your thunder...hehe but I figure the more opinions the better, right?

No problem... and thanks for the advice on the tongue piercing. I've got a long weekend coming up and I'm thinking about doing it then. Like you I may have to get one nipple done over. How long did you wait before getting it done again?


Well-known member
Nice, that looks so good on you! I have a vertical labret and love it.

I also have both my nips and an industrial ear piercing done, got them many years back. Sharp pain and it was over like all piercings I've had.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
No problem... and thanks for the advice on the tongue piercing. I've got a long weekend coming up and I'm thinking about doing it then. Like you I may have to get one nipple done over. How long did you wait before getting it done again?

Sure thing!
I actually waited quite a few years...because the first time they were SOOO effed up, and like I said, after a year and a half they never healed, still oozed, hurt like hell to rotate or move the bar...I just wanted to make sure they were TOTALLY healed before I tried getting them done again (plus I had to work up the nerve...cuz I remembered that pain), so I think there was probably a 4 year span in there. I definitely didn't need that long, healing-wise, but I was determined to find a damn good piercer this time, to make sure they were done right. Why do you have to get one done over? Is it crooked?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Dumb ass quesion. I've had mine done twice as well. Had a mesh shirt on at a concert in the mosh pit and one was ripped out. I got it redone through scar tissue and it was harder to get through but made it through the war. I got engaged and had to hurry up and get rid of all the evidence because these things are taboo culture wise. How did you get rid of the paler scar areola wise? There's a weird white scar that definitely doesn't blend with brown nips and I'm not putting NW or NC this or that to fix the problem. I'm hoping you know of a way to make it less noticable because this was 6 years ago and I'm afraid to get them done a 3rd time as well. Anybody with knowledge, please clue me in.

Oh geez...hmm...honestly, when I had them done the second time, you couldn't see the scar from the first one, because the balls on the end of the barbell hid them...and even now, my scars aren't really noticeable unless you look for them. I'm not 100% sure on how to blend that in...the only thing I can think of is possibly emu oil (I had people use it all the time in piercing, it does fairly well to break down scar tissue a bit and smooth things out...it works wonders on keloids), or maybe mederma, but I don't know if that stuff is safe for the girls. If you're gonna try anything, I'd try the emu oil first, see if it helps.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
I had my tongue done maaaaaaaaaany years ago...I've since gotten it from a 14 to a 2...and I'll tell you that stretching is way worse than piercing. Anyway...the piercing itself was honestly pretty painless for me...the worst part (seriously) were the clamps and the "POP" feeling when the needle went through. Afterward, the swelling, and not being able to talk without sounding like I had a mouth full of golf balls sucked, but chewing on lots of ice and popping motrin every 8 hours really helped that a lot, and I was back to eating normally within two days.
I've had many many piercings, from head to toe (although many of them have rejected, or I've had to take out for one reason or another), and can honestly say that the tongue was definitely in my top 3 least painful piercings...the only two that hurt less were my VCH (I didn't feel a thing except the piercer's cold hands LOL) and my nape. HTH!

Is your tongue thick? Maybe that's why you had no pain? My tongue is thick and I wanted my piercing further back so I think that is what caused me pain...it wasn't a shark bite type of pain, but it was an annoying one and eating was not fun.

Thanks for the response on the nipple ringy thingy...I think I'm going to pass.

Going to go deliberate about a tatoo...I'm a rider and all riders should have at least one tat, right? I think there is a tramp stamp calling my name this summer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
Is your tongue thick? Maybe that's why you had no pain? My tongue is thick and I wanted my piercing further back so I think that is what caused me pain...it wasn't a shark bite type of pain, but it was an annoying one and eating was not fun.

Thanks for the response on the nipple ringy thingy...I think I'm going to pass.

Going to go deliberate about a tatoo...I'm a rider and all riders should have at least one tat, right? I think there is a tramp stamp calling my name this summer.

My tongue is fairly thick...and I have it pierced more toward the middle as well (easier to hide when you're military
)...although generally, a tongue piercing shouldn't be too close to the tip of your tongue...less tissue means more chance of ripping it out...plus if you pierce too far forward it won't sit right in your mouth, and has more chance of causing damage to your teeth. It's entirely possible that I've got a different pain threshold than you do, too.

HAHA If the nipple rings are something you want to do, I still say get them done. It hurts like a b*tch, but like I said, it's totally worth it. I miss mine.

Hahaha well if you ask me, I think someone who rides should have TONS of tattoos...unless you're riding a rice rocket (no offense, if that's what you have...), in which case one will suffice. ...but this is coming from the girl who's pushing 30 (tattoos, not age. LOL).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret

Hahaha well if you ask me, I think someone who rides should have TONS of tattoos...unless you're riding a rice rocket (no offense, if that's what you have...), in which case one will suffice. ...but this is coming from the girl who's pushing 30 (tattoos, not age. LOL).

I got a fast ride indeed. LOL! I will refrain from calling it a rice rocket though.
You are funny. Great personality. I think that once I get the first tat I'll want more. It's like buying makeup for some of us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
I got a fast ride indeed. LOL! I will refrain from calling it a rice rocket though.
You are funny. Great personality. I think that once I get the first tat I'll want more. It's like buying makeup for some of us.

LMAO That's all right, I don't know many people who own them that call em rice rockets.
I try and keep things light and amusing on here...I figure if I even make one person laugh during the day, then being a goof is totally worth it. Hehe. Absolutely yes...tattoos are waaaay addictive. I said I was going to get a tattoo when I was 18...and now here I am at 26 with more tattoos than my age (i've got 28...and many plans for more...).

On a side note, I don't mind people with rice rockets in general...it's the ones who blow by me (when I'm already doing 90!), weaving in and out of traffic sitting on a piece of plastic that sounds like my blender has more horsepower...THOSE are the ones that get me. Some idiot almost hit me the other day, because I was switching lanes, he wasn't there when I looked (I looked twice!! Once in the mirror, and once turning my head...), then I started moving over and BAM! There he was, cuz he decided it was necessary to weave through traffic, and then drive up the dotted lines to get between two cars. Idiot. You should slap anyone you meet who drives like that...they give you guys a bad name.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
How's it healing up? I wish I had read this the day you posted...if you're still swelling, march your butt right back into that shop and make the piercer put a longer labret stud in there. They're always always ALWAYS supposed to pierce you with a longer piece of jewelry than you think you need. For the first two weeks it's a little obnoxious, and maybe not the sexiest look, but it keeps it from becoming embedded in your skin. I worked as a piercer, and saw a lot of people come in with labret studs that had started to embed in their lip thanks to a too-short bar. Also, maybe not right now, while you're still healing, but once you've settled on a length for the stud, you might want to invest in an internally threaded one. They tend to stay together better than the externally threaded ones...you have less of a chance of losing the ball.
Also, the anti-bacterial soap is fine for now, but make sure it's mild...anything too harsh will dry out the piercing and make it harder to heal. The sea salt soaks are good, but make sure the salt to water solution is correct, too much salt will, again, dry out the piercing. If you get any crusty stuff on or around the piercing while you're healing, clean it off with a q-tip and some warm water. Crusties getting inside the piercing are bad, but over-cleaning is equally as bad. Stick to twice a day, and you should heal up beautifully.

the swelling went away completely, but the back of the stud is like sinking into my lip and white skin is trying to cover it.