i have a confession to make....i HATE and HATE and HATE....


Well-known member
If you are a true lipgloss/lipglass lover (such as myself) you will weather any storm. You will pinch your lips together tightly as you walk outside in windy weather to protect your gloss from errant hairs. You will find other forms of showing affection to your loved ones-an air kiss, a hug, etc. You will go to any length to make sure the shine on your lips shall not be affected by any negative situation!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
If you are a true lipgloss/lipglass lover (such as myself) you will weather any storm. You will pinch your lips together tightly as you walk outside in windy weather to protect your gloss from errant hairs. You will find other forms of showing affection to your loved ones-an air kiss, a hug, etc. You will go to any length to make sure the shine on your lips shall not be affected by any negative situation!!!!

Hahahaha!!! I hear that! -High five-


Well-known member
Whapow! That's the sound of me high-fiving you back.


Well-known member
The only lipglass I have is Style Minx and I love it. But I only use it really thinly so it's more like a stain and then I put a balm over it. I find it looks heaps better this way and isn't as sticky.


Active member
whew!!! i thought it was just ME who got the cracked lips and gross leftover effect.. i do it all and to no avail.
kinda sucks though!! but i have found - after test after test after test - sticky ones are kinda better than the thinner/oily ones, cus after awhile, i feel like it leaked around my mouth, blech!!


Well-known member
I agree! It's so beautiful when you FIRST apply. Then, five minutes later it feels GROSS. And then ten minutes later it's gone. Not to mention, I can't even pull it out without my boyfriend cringing away from the tube. He HATES how it feels when we kiss..But I don't blame him.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
If you are a true lipgloss/lipglass lover (such as myself) you will weather any storm. You will pinch your lips together tightly as you walk outside in windy weather to protect your gloss from errant hairs. You will find other forms of showing affection to your loved ones-an air kiss, a hug, etc. You will go to any length to make sure the shine on your lips shall not be affected by any negative situation!!!!

No truer words were ever spoken in this world!

I could not have stated this anymore eloquently than you just have my Dear!!!

And, certainly, a woman after my own heart!

As I’ve been informed, by close intimate sources, that I have, at least, one tube of Clear Lipglass in every room of the house…just in case of emergencies!

Clear Lipglass is solely responsible, and, absolutely, integral to a lip color application I affectionately call:


...and it’s certainly not for the faint of Heart! What is it that they say, A LITTLE DAB WILL DO YA!?!

Coming Soon to a MAC counter near you…if you’re LUCKY!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shoppingisme
and it gives you crackhead lips -- the build up of skin in the corner of your mouth.

I do agree with this BUT i find that that only occurs when I wear lipglass minus lipstick...no matter how much carmex or whatever i use, if i'm not wearing lipstick that ALWAYS happens, because I do suffer with dry lips...lol my boyfriend was like "you've got white gunk on your lips" and i was so confused, then i realised what he meant - eugh.


Well-known member
lol all i was thinking about when i read this was: "lipglass, i cant live without lipglass. i cant, i cant, i go to sleep with lipglass on."

but besides that, i've never really had a problem with lipglass, except the hair thing, but i think pretty much every good lipgloss will do this, just try to avoid wearing it on a windy day i guess lol. soooo...lipglass it is..do i have enough on now?

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Originally Posted by foxykita143
lol all i was thinking about when i read this was: "lipglass, i cant live without lipglass. i cant, i cant, i go to sleep with lipglass on."


Oh NO she didn't?!?

Ohhh, but she did...she did just take it there...and back again!

That is too funny!!! Ooooh Girl - I'm gonna have to freshen up my Botox now...you're givin' me wrinkles from the laughter!


Well-known member
oh no lol i love lipglass like whoa haha i find it very unsticky compared to others ive tried. plus i love the vanilla-ish scent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
If you are a true lipgloss/lipglass lover (such as myself) you will weather any storm. You will pinch your lips together tightly as you walk outside in windy weather to protect your gloss from errant hairs. You will find other forms of showing affection to your loved ones-an air kiss, a hug, etc. You will go to any length to make sure the shine on your lips shall not be affected by any negative situation!!!!

i lovvit ! could not have said it any better


Well-known member
I'm another who likes the colors of MAC lipglass, but hates the stickiness. I prefer Tendertones, not nearly as heavy and tacky feeling. Sephora super shimmer gloss in the squeeze tube is another one I like. I'm going to try Mac lipgelee & lipstick to see how they rate on the sticky scale.


Well-known member
I love lipglasses sooo sooo much!! I have a billion and I freshen them up like every 15 minutes I even wear it when I go to workout lol