I need advice on being a MUA for MAC!

hello everyone,
I'm a freelance makeup artist in Chicago and there are several MAC stores around me. I would love to work at one for the discount and just for a change in my day job. I talked to the Human Resources Rep and she told me to fill out an app. online. I went to the MAC site and couldn't find it anywhere. I'm new to this forum so any advice on how to get a job with them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I've read that already. I was talking about an actual application to fill out.

Anyone employed by MAC have any advice on what I should do to increase my chances of getting the job for them?


Well-known member
This should probably be in the Cosmetics Industry, working for a Cosmetics brand section of the forums.

I work at MAC and I got an application from a Macy's counter. However, they already knew me really well. My manager usually just takes the person's resume. =/ Call your local MAC store (whichever you'd most like to work at) and ask about applications?
Thanks Bunny. So you think my best bet would be to print out a resume? I did call my local MAC store and the lady told me to fill out an app. online which leads me to my original question


Well-known member
hmm online? i've never heard of an online application before, expect for from the UK girls. i would just show up to a store, in person is always better and ask to fill out an application. if they say fill one out online, give them your resume and or portfolio (if you have one, not always necessary) and ask for the online site information. also try to go to a couple of locations you would be interested in and talk to the managers


Well-known member
Go to your local counter or MAC store and grab and app. Bring it back filled out with your resume. Don't fill it out at the store. Be sure to look nice when you do


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Divinity
Go to your local counter or MAC store and grab and app. Bring it back filled out with your resume. Don't fill it out at the store. Be sure to look nice when you do

just outta curiosity, why do you say not to fill it out at counter? at our location we aren't allowed to hand out applications, they have to be filled out at counter.


Well-known member
Yes the MAC site offers information on how to go about applying but does not have an actual application. What I originally did was printed out a handful of resumes, and distributed them to local MAC counters. In a couple months I received a call for a verbal interview, was called back to do a demo, then another, then met with the CM and was hired! I guess it all depends on your region, some people say the hiring process is long, I guess it can be, but I am blessed because it happened rather quickly for me.
So good luck and market yourself, remeber to dress professionally at all times too.