I over-plucked again


Well-known member
So in addition to being on a no-buy, looks like I have to go on a no-pluck.
I have always been a bit overzealous plucking my brows, and once again, they are WAY too thin, and I made holes that I had to draw back in this morning
Any other over-pluckers out there with advice on how to keep control while getting rid of stray hairs? I think I get a little OCD as to what I consider to be a "stray" hair, and end up pulling everything! Ah well, on the plus side, I work and live with people who I doubt would notice if I removed my eyebrows entirely... ahh engineers


Well-known member
Oh I can be the same, I just grew out my brows to get waxed. It was so hard seeing all the hairs and not being able to pluck them. Ironically I'm not really liking the way the girl did my brows they are too thin and are curves where I'd rather arches... if that makes sense lol....


Well-known member
Oh i did that once i totally over plucked them and i literly cried it was pretty bad.. i tried to fill them in the best i can now i just go to the salon and get them waxed lol im never cheaping out 10 bucks ever again! lol.. I just made an appointment like 20 mins ago to get them done!


Well-known member
Oh also maybe you need to pluck somewhere else that doesn't matter like the legs (even though it hurts more).


Well-known member
Lol, I do that sometimes - legs or bikini line when I am feeling the need to... um.. pluck a lot I guess
Unfortunately, I just have no self-control with the brows


Well-known member
Yeah I just get too excited and want to pluck every hair on my face lol.
I think I'd go insane living without a tweezer, I find plucking really relaxing and I don't actually mind the pain lol.


Well-known member
I'd suggest getting some one to do your brows, that way you won't be too tempted to shape them. I would honestly get rid of your tweezers if you're a chronic over-plucker. That or learn how to paint your brows on really well and just shave or pluck them all off.


Well-known member
OMG!! I have the same thing with my brows! I am very OCD when it comes to plucking my brows--partly out of fear of having those stereotypical eastern european brows (no offense!) that my mom's side is notorious for. Seriously, if I didn't pluck, my brows would connect with my hair line!

I think the best advice is to have them professionally waxed, and only pluck the hairs that are "outside" the shape. Or maybe try a rewards system? Like if you can go a whole week without plucking, you can get a new eyeshadow? I try that and sometimes it works because I treat it like a game and I get competitive and want to win, even though it is just myself. LOL


Well-known member
lol!! So I'm not the only one huh?? *whew!!

What I do is get my white eyeliner pencil that I don't use anymore and draw how I want my brows to look. Then I pluck/trim anything outside or on the line and leave anything on the inside alone!! This way I have a visible border from "yes plucking" to "NO PLUCKING!!" Seems to work for me most the time..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xIxSkyDancerxIx
lol!! So I'm not the only one huh?? *whew!!

What I do is get my white eyeliner pencil that I don't use anymore and draw how I want my brows to look. Then I pluck/trim anything outside or on the line and leave anything on the inside alone!! This way I have a visible border from "yes plucking" to "NO PLUCKING!!" Seems to work for me most the time..

that is such a great idea


Well-known member
I like that - go in with a plan, and stick to the plan
I have to do that at CCO's and buffets too! LOL, great idea - I'll give it a try.... in a month