I won a contest...


Well-known member
But never received my package.

I won two, actually. First I won a beauty-something..can't remember the website. Anyhow, it was a goodie bag with some different things in it.

Then I won a bottle of perfume. I got the perfume, and it smells wonderful, btw....but I never got the package from the first win. I don't think it's sent from Specktra, but I can't remember the website, so don't really know who to talk to?



Well-known member
If it was the beauty fx package I received mine almost a month ago ...and no it did not come directly from Specktra


Well-known member
That was it. BeautyFix. I knew it was Beauty something, lol.

Bah, I won't bother with it. Now if I PAID for something and didn't get it, I'd be pissed. This just kinda had me wondering...


Well-known member
PM Shimmer and ask her...she was in charge of that giveaway and she may be able to assist you


Well-known member
Well, I finally figured out what happened. The mail carrier left in with the apartment office people, and they forgot to let me know.

So I have my package, and BOY was there a lot of stuff in it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fataliya
Well, I finally figured out what happened. The mail carrier left in with the apartment office people, and they forgot to let me know.

So I have my package, and BOY was there a lot of stuff in it!!

Glad you got it! I was VERY pleasantly surprised with mine!