Incomplete select-avatar page!


Well-known member
This might be a silly question, my problem is that I see the select-avatar page ¿cut?!
I made a print image of what I get once I enter the page to select the avatar. As you will notice, I get to see just a little of the avatars on the right row...
Furthermore it says it has 105 avatars to choose from, but I can only get to see these in the image I'm uploading, maybe there is a link to see the next ones in the right?
Why can't I see the right side?

Is this normal?
Maybe there is a lot of Specktra I've been missing lol


Well-known member
You saw more than I ever did. I thought it was something wrong with the website. I dont know so I just made up my own.


Well-known member
are you guys both using internet explorer? wow yep I use Firefox and had no issue with it loading, and then the there will be arrows and numbers to flip to the next page.
but I did try with IE and it loaded as you had, the scroll bar on the bottom didn't load enough to see all avatars and the navigation between pages on the right.

I love firefox (and have been told its safer) so I'd suggest using that!


Well-known member
It's true it seems to be a problem related to the explorer. I could change my avatar using firefox