Interview at a MAC counter in the UK..


Active member
Just my experience, cause I have to tell someone who thinks its interesting, haha. Plus, I thought some people might find the questions they asked me interesting.

So on Monday afternoon, this week, I went to my local counter to pick up a make-up brush I wanted (the 150, if you're interested). And I had a gossip with some of the girls in there, looked at some stuff, etc. After a bit of chatting (because they all know me fairly well in there, and they're often telling me I should pursue make-up artistry and stuff) I eventually ask her how I'd go about applying for a job at MAC, and she was like, oh, you definitely should, and told me that the manager would be back soon.
So I waited, and when she came back she said she was interviewing for someone at the moment, and did I have a CV? I told her I didn't because I'd just come in to buy something. And she was like, well come back on thursday with a CV, and we'll interview you then, because I know you can do good eyeshadow. I was like, beyond flattered, and went home and freaked out, haha.

Then I went and there again on Thursday, straight after I finished at college. I got there earlier than I had intended too, but that's good, I think..
So I had a chat to a lot of of the artists there, and one of the artists that's listed on the MAC website spoke with me for a bit and told me makeup was really well applied, and one of the other girls told him I was always in there with it, haha...
Then Kate, the manager, took me to a coffee shop inside the main store and we had the interview. Which I think went really well, she seemed really shocked when I told her what I knew about the history of MAC, and what they were about and stuff, and she implied it was different for someone to know. I know she interviewed two other girls that day, so I was hoping that was good..
And I showed her a few photos of what I could do, and she was so happy that I wasn't afraid of colour (me, afraid of colour? psh). Then at the end she was like, well, I think you'd be perfect for the position, and I would totally love to hire you on the spot, but ideally I need the day in the week, so I'm going to talk to my manager, but I'll definitely have you for whenever you're free for the ten-week run up to Christmas! And she said she'd try hard to d try find hours for me to work elsewhere, and over the summer, cause she seems to really like me. (Because I'll be back at college, full time in the autumn, I can't work full time during the work.)
She said she'd talk to her , arrange a makeup test and stuff... and ugh. Just so excited! To be honest, I'm so proud of myself for getting up the nerve and doing it, haha. I know I can come across quite shy so I'm so glad they liked me, in all honesty.

And here are some of the questions she asked me. She photocopied an application form, so I'm assuming these are some fairly standard questions, at least for the UK, maybe? I'm not sure, maybe they're helpful, maybe they're not.. Here are as many as I can remember...

What do you know about MAC/the history of MAC/what we're about?
How do I feel about the MAC dress code?
How would I show my individuality through the dress code?
What kind of makeup do I wear?
Do I follow the trends in makeup?
How do you motivate yourself at work?
What would you do during a quiet shift, how would you spend your time when not serving customers?
Do you like working independently, and if so, when?
What do you think that that people you work with would say that you contribute to a team?
What kind of people do you like/dislike working with and why?
What do you think you'd be able to bring to a team?
Do you set myself targets in my current job, and if so, how do you meet them?
How would you reach your sales targets? What techniques would you use?
Tell me about a situation where you had to work without supervision.
Tell me a situation where you've had to compromise.
In what situations would you ask your boss for help?
What's the biggest thing you've learnt in your job?
What do I like/dislike about my current job?
Tell me something about yourself that would surprise me.

Ah, super long post! Apologies.


Well-known member
thank you, this is very informative and congratulations


Active member
Ooh, hello! My nearest counter is in Reading, home of pretty much nothing except the Reading And a good few shops.