Jewel Blue combos


Well-known member
What colours should I use with Jewel Blue? And how can I make this shadow look better (shimmery cream base)? I ordered it online and thought it was going to look like UD Deluxe Peace or Turquatic or something. I really hate this shadow lol


Well-known member
I am not sure how much help I am going to be, but I will try
I use mine to create a sort of mermaid/sea type of look. I like pairing it (blending it with) with similiar colors that are more toned down then jewel blue. Also with pink, light green shades and lavender purples. I like to use it with sea myth, steamy, shimmermoss, springtime skipper, playful, dreamy v. I also found it goes really nice with gray shades as well, like electra, softwashed, etc. Try using a base underneath like UD primer potion. I hope that helps somewhat


Well-known member
Metarmorph (on lid), Juxt (over Metamorph), Swimming (outer 2/3 lid), Jewel Blue (outer 1/3 lid), Retrospeck (browbone highlighter).

Amber Lights w/ Plumage or Jewel Blue.

Early Morning as wash, Jewel Blue at inner crease, Nocturnelle at outer V.


Well-known member
vanilla pig. as a wash, jewel blue in the crease, plumage in the outter V. Or, humid instead of plumage.


Well-known member
Crystal Avalanche from inner corners to middle of eye
then Jewel blue from middle of eye to just before the outer eye ends then a silvery colour (silver ring is the only one I can think of)
then Blend Blend Blend

The MA in the store near me had this on and it looked super-cute! It made me buy the crystal avalanche but I opted for Electric Eel instead of the Jewel blue as I found it easier to apply.

Also for a more 'out there' look a yellow eyeshadow on the inner and the jewel blue on the outer apparently goes really well. I haven't tried it though...hmm next fotd idea was born


Well-known member
i like to use it with golds!

i suggest using cork in the creas/outer v before applying jewel blue to your lids....that way it will tone it down a bit. then put goldmine over the blue and just above the crease. then i use ricepaper to highlight.

i also use jewel blue and goldmine to line under my lashes and sometimes i use smolder on my just depends on my mood!
