Just wanna rave: Fantasy Makers from Wet N Wild! (for Halloween)

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
It's that time of year again and they over did themselves!

I just came from my local HEB chain (that's having a coupon hurricane in the cosmetics aisle) and got an eyeful of tiny and big WnW Halloween related cosmetics!

I bought a 3-D glitter called Glitz and a red and black e/s duo called Vamp for $0.97!
They're repromoting 3 of the LE craze e/s duos in the Fantasy Makers line: the lime green and teal, brown and gold, and the black and white I think.

They had some delicious cheap glitter palettes! Glitter jumbo pencils! Liquid glitter liners! Just too much cute stuff~

OH and the Ardell Falsies this year!? I want Cleopatra BAD!