Lindsey Lohan as Marylin Monroe!? NSFW!!


Well-known member
Freckles and age spots are pretty much one and the same; they signify sun damaged skin. Freckles are basically due to sun exposure in early childhood; few people are actually born with them. And age spots are basically the result of adolescent and adult sun exposure.

Lindsay has a combination of both. She's looking pretty damn crispy, and closer to 41 than 21. And the drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/eating disorders haven't helped either. If she doesn't get her act together, she's going to look 60 by the time she's 35, if she even manages to live that long.

We all basically look the way that our genes say that we will look, but our personal choices do influence the ultimate outcome. And this poor girl has blown it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by captodometer
Lindsay has a combination of both. She's looking pretty damn crispy, and closer to 41 than 21. And the drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/eating disorders haven't helped either. If she doesn't get her act together, she's going to look 60 by the time she's 35, if she even manages to live that long.

I agree. She looks much older and is very unhealthy looking.
Freckles on the body kind of freak me out.


New member
so does anyone else think her boobs are WAY too big for her body?

my votes for better marilyn are scarjo and christina aguleria-
both are far more marilyn-looking, not to mention better role models


Well-known member
Personally I don't mind Lohan as a choice. Honestly Marylin Monroe was never one of my icons or hero's so it's just not a big deal. I'm wondering if the magazine approached Lohan to do the shoot or if she approached them, begging for some work to pay for her debts and blow. Maybe Christina, Gwen and Scarlett had better things to do (such as real jobs) then pose for some mediocre photos and Lohan was the only one free. What's the point of copying the same photo shoot anyway?? Doesn't anyone have original ideas these days?

And this is no where near as bad as Jennifer Love Hewitt as the eternal Audrey Hepburn... =/ That was just pure, undiluted evil I say!

Girl about town

Well-known member
Lets hope she doesn't end up the same way as marilyn. The first pic is lovely but the 3rd black and white one is a like one of the lights that show off all the sun damage. If her breasts are saggy as people say then im in big trouble!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
In my opinion, Christina Aguilera would have made a way better Marilyn Monroe.

As would Gwen Stefani.

Not Lohan.

I'm not a huge fan, but I know Lohan is a big fanboy of sorts of MM (she bought her old apartment a while back), so I can see why she JUMPED at this. She has a nice figure, and her boobs look REAL. REAL LARGER BOOBS SAG. Sure some women's do so more or less than others, but I think it's better than that bolted onto the chest grapefruit look. Sorry people. That's gravity for you, she's a bitch sometimes.
Her face looks rough for a 21 year old. Stop drinking, doing drugs, tanning and smoking, LL. You're going to look like an old dried up leather sack.

About Christina, I think her new image of retro glam fits, but I really really despise her fake boobs. They are awful, overpower her frame, and she looked better and more in proportion with her natural breasts. For that reason alone, I wouldn't want to see her naked a la Marilyn.

I've always thought Scarlett Johansson was reminiscent of MM, but I'm generally not a fan of copycat photoshoots like this, even when it is with the original photographer.


Well-known member
she is a beauty...why is everyone outraged? it's just a photo shoot! marilyn was just as effed up/drug addicted anyway, & hardly professional for most of her career


Well-known member
^No, you're not....

And, allow me to clarify about the saggy breasts comment. For a woman of 21, her breasts appear older and more "mature". Maybe she did have a boob job and changed her mind, because all that "under cleavage" (at 21) is somewhat suspect. Hell, we know she doesn't have the typical diet of these girls who are running around with 40 GG breasts. They don't look bad head on, but from the side.....DAMN!


Well-known member
I'm 21, I have DDs, real ones, my boobs look just the same as hers, are you all gonna tell me I have saggy boobs?? That's what big, natural boobs LOOK like ladies.


Well-known member
I'm saying. The rest of her body is entirely too cracked out for all of her weight to be in her tits.
Those things are NOT real. They aren't huge implants, but think Gisele. Hers aren't real either. They're just a smaller size and naturally placed.
Sorry Lindsay, I've looked at a lot of tits, and until I get to actually grope and shake yours, and shine a flashlight on them (fake tits glow when you do that), I'm saying fake.


Well-known member
she looks horrid like not even kidding. she looks aged and ragged nothing like marilyn. slide #4 is the worst out of the bunch