Looking for a really good lip primer (Maybe that's NYX lip primer?)


Hi! Not long ago I purchased MACs lip primer but I kinda feel this is not good enough. I use it correctly (on exfoliated lips, letting it sink for 1-2 minutes) but since I have not much time to reapply my lipstick at work I was looking for something even better.
Extending the wear of my lipstick is most important to me.

Already had a look at NYX lip primer but the reviews I've read claimed that it's only ok at extending...:confused: Maybe someone can tell me more details about that product?

Any other recommendations are welcome.

I can't get my hands easily on Too Faced, Milani, etc., btw.:(


Staff member
I don't use a lip primer so can't say anything about those.

Have you tried filling your lips in with a lipliner the same colour as your lipstick? That will help the colour last longer.