Looking for the perfect pale pink/nude lipsticks! (pics included)


New member
Hi everyone! I'm looking to expand my makeup collection, and I have virtually no lipsticks that suit me well! I would love to wear nudes and pale pinks, something that looks somewhat natural yet enhancing. I think for now I'm going to stay away from reds and plums, I don't really like dramatic looks on my lips. As part of my birthday present from my boyfriend, I'm going to pick 3 lipsticks off of MAC's site, but I have no idea which to pick. I think for the pale pink I'm going to go with Angel (I checked out Creme Cup too, but I think it might be too pale for me), but as for the nudes I have no idea... I have bought nudes in the past but was kind of put off since most of them really wash me out (for ex. Soft Nude by Revlon, it pretty much makes my lips invisible and it just seems to clash with my skin!)

I'm not sure of my exact skintone, there are absolutely no MAC stores within two hours of me and I don't have access to a car, so I've no way to get down to the city and find out professionally what colours would suit me best. I do know that I have distinct yellow undertones and a very beige-y colour to my skin. I have virtually no pink in my skin at all (not sure if the pics show this or not but I am very very beige!), so I'm very certainly NC but I'm not sure on the exact code, obviously nothing too dark.

I took some pics to show my colour! Hope it helps :)

Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give! Its my birthday on Saturday and I want to start experimenting more with makeup for the next year and beyond!



Well-known member
I love MAC's saint germain, chatterbox, and angel with a topcoat.

Also, you could try OCC liptars, mixing feathered and pagent makes a gorgeous pale pink.


Well-known member
cream cup is not pale. I am nc20-25 and it is a staple color for me and I love that color. You should get some nyx lipliners in rose and nude pink and wear it under your lipsticks. it will look less pale too.

Hue, cream cup, creme d'nude, cherish, blankety are some good ones.


New member
Thanks a lot! I was thinking Angel (or Creme Cup, although I'm not sure which would look better!), Blankety and another one (maybe Hue or Modesty). Thanks again, everyone.


Well-known member
I love Creme Cup, it's my favorite Mac lipstick! I totally recommend it, and don't worry, it's not too pale at all (for example Hue is a bit paler)! :) Also Modesty, Shy Girl, Faux and Kinda Sexy are worth to check out.