MAC Beige-ing shadestick


Well-known member
Anything and everything...Especially neutrals (think; Naked Lunch, Retrospeck, Honey Lust, etc.). Beig-ing is usually used as a base, and anything put over it tends to cover it up anyway. I use it all the time...and I have several Paints and Shadesticks. I love it! It can also be used as a hi-light.


Well-known member
I agree with YvetteJeannine. Since Beige-ing is a neutral shade and is mostly used as a base, ANY color would go with it.


Well-known member
can you give me shades that you would use it with? for example, beige-ing shadestick as base, tempting on lid, soft brown on crease. i'm still new to eyeshadows so i don't know what to do.

MAC is love

Well-known member
You can do TONS of stuff with that s/s! You can try: shroom as a highlight, bronze e/s all over lids, and mulch blended in the creases


Well-known member
Honestly, you can look at just about any of the FOTDs featured here and use Beige-ing as a base for them.