MAC Collections and use


Well-known member
I was just wondering how many of you will buy a product from MAC when it comes out from a collection and use it right away like the girls at the counter do, or do you buy then based off the fact that you can use it in the future? As for I will buy a Limited Edition product from MAC and I don't always use it right away, I will use it like a month later or so. Like Fountainblue, I bought it when Sundressing came out but still haven't found the occasion to wear it, but eventually I will later in the summer.


Well-known member
Whenever I buy something I test it out straight away, but I don't always continually use it.

My softsparkle pencils from Sweetie Cake for instance, I used them on the first day I got them but ever since, I haven't used them at all!


Well-known member
Yeah...I get soooo excited at first and then it wanes. I haven't used most of the stuff I have gotten from collections in the last six months.


Well-known member
I don't always use mine right away. I have yet to do a look with some of the fluid liners I've had for a long while now. I buy what I think is versitile and I'll really use or buy into the LE hype and then I start looking for people to post FOTD using what I already have for ideas. Thats why I really appreciate the FOTD pics people post with breakdowns.


Well-known member
I always try things out right away and then use them occasionally. I have used something from Lure almost everyday since I got it though. I just love that entire collection!


Active member
I am a very wierd person.I don't want to miss out on the LE stuff. so when i comes out i go to the store and get a makeover to find what i like. then i buy it and put it away. the reason i put it away is i have so much stuff already and figure if i use it, it will go bad quickier and I wont use the stuff i already have. so i have a huge drawer of things that i have not used yet.going back 6 months or so. but when i do use something old up i get out 2 new items...ok wow i must be very wierd...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pascal
do you buy then based off the fact that you can use it in the future?

Ding ding ding. I buy sensibly - if I'm not going to use it on myself, if clients aren't going to ask for it or I already own something that's 90% similar, I don't buy it.

The LE hype just goes over my head.


Well-known member
i need to gain some of lara's sensibility.

i tend to buy into the hype. i'm better now than i used to be, as i think culturebloom cured me of some of my impulsiveness (bought everything the day it came out, hated most of it, couldn't return since i lost the receipt), but i'm still guilty of it from time to time. i'll buy the LE stuff when it comes out, and use it all to see if its worth buying backups of. my enthusiasm tends to taper off, most of the time. i never use my softsparkle eye pencils that i HAD to have at the time, i rarely use my sundressing and sweetie cake pigments, and a lot of my LE shadows that i "had" to have don't get touched. le sigh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Ding ding ding. I buy sensibly - if I'm not going to use it on myself, if clients aren't going to ask for it or I already own something that's 90% similar, I don't buy it.

The LE hype just goes over my head.

That's how I buy...if I have to wear something for a freelance event, and I don't want to buy the product, I get samples from my girls at the counter or I find something similar in my stash...


Well-known member
I buy new things and wear them. My problem is, I've purchased sooooooooooooo much in the nearly 2 years of obsession that I forget what I have. I tend to obsess on something and then something new comes out. I am currently obsessed with Sunpepper and Nightfish.

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Ding ding ding. I buy sensibly - if I'm not going to use it on myself, if clients aren't going to ask for it or I already own something that's 90% similar, I don't buy it.

The LE hype just goes over my head.

same here, if i already have a similar color e/s i'm not going to buy another one. I only buy stuff i know i'll use a lot.


Well-known member
I really can't help myself when it comes to pigments, I have to have all the colors, especially the le ones...but I do use them, not always right away, but there'll always be an occasion to use it, so why not have it? right? besides, the versatility of pigment really makes up for having to have it, eyes, lips, lotion, nail polish, come on, you can't beat the reasoning behind the multi-purpose items!!! lol


Well-known member
Eek...I'm kind of the opposite. I tend to talk myself out of buying things because I'm afraid I'll only use them once or twice. And then later I regret it. Like Gold time I have money I'm going to buy it because everytime I see it I fall more and more in love with it.


Well-known member
I bought Waternymph on my lunch break the day it came out and used it that night...I have used it like five times since (LOVE IT!)

I can relate to the soft sparkle pencils from Sweetie Cake. I bought all but the black one (have a Nars that is similar) and have only used them each MAYBE once....I still have yet to use Softwash grey from Sundressing....


Well-known member
not really a collector of any one item, but i prefer pigments-so i've bought the ones that come w/ ea collection that came out since i've gotten into MAC

Usually i get all amped up on the products based on descriptions/pictures released here, but then as time goes by & actual swatches/product pics show up, I tend to get over it & realize that i would *never* use it so I shouldn't buy it.

I use everything when i first get it, b/c i like to play w/ new things, then to the back it goes & i return to using the std stuff i always use. But it feels good to have options


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88
Whenever I buy something I test it out straight away, but I don't always continually use it.

This is me in regards to 98% of all my MAC. And some of it I don't test at all becase I do that at the counter.

If it's not something that's for everyday wear the most use I get is trying the various tuts or FOTD on specktra.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I wanna follow the LE hype but since i'm 3 hours away from the nearest MAC i dont buy any LE but when i do get new shadows, i will continuously use it, i never stop using it heck i even pick up a backup to use for some reason


Well-known member
I only buy the colours that I know will suit my skintone and that will go w/ some of my existing eyeshadows (I usu. buy just the LE e/s, not so much the lips or cheek stuff).
My make-up is usually netral or toned down so everything I buy has to be somewhat versatile and wearable on an everyday basis. That being said, I pretty much buy for future purposes.