MAC Concealer Rec for an NC42 girl!


Well-known member
I am usually NC40 but I got a tad darker over the summer so NC42 is what I'm wearing now...I have noticed that in some pictures of me, my under eye area is really light! Eeeek, not a good look! But when I look in the mirror it doesn't seem light to me...just in some pictures, not all of them.

I wear Mac Select Cover-up in NW30. Should I go for NW35 or is that way too dark? Is there a huge difference with these two?

If you are NC42, what shade do you wear?? Any help would be very much appreciated!


Well-known member
Re: Concealer Rec for an NC42 girl!

hey there! im nc42 and i wear the nw35 studio finish concealer.
Re: Concealer Rec for an NC42 girl!

I would get NW35 and since you already have NW30 you can always custom blend your exact match.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Re: Concealer Rec for an NC42 girl!

I can't recommend a shade, but MUFE is way better than MAC in pretty much every way.


Well-known member
Re: Concealer Rec for an NC42 girl!

Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
I can't recommend a shade, but MUFE is way better than MAC in pretty much every way.


Originally Posted by MzEspressoXo
I would get NW35 and since you already have NW30 you can always custom blend your exact match.

this is perfect advice