MAC Hiring Freeze in SoCal/LA?


Well-known member
Yo some MAC reps came to my former school (MUD) where they conduct job fairs...the whole fair was pretty pointless since they said they had a hiring freeze going on in So Cal because they had too many "artists" and not enough work so they couldn't take resumes or applications. Which sucks because there were some kick-ass MUAS in the job fair and we were a little disappointed.

The admissions counselor has no idea when this "hiring freeze" is going to be let I was wondering...does anyone know about this?

The cosmetics company I work for is going under next month so we'll all be laid off...
Hence me going back into retail...

All info is appreciated! You can also PM me if you want.


Well-known member
The freeze is for hiring as well as on-call, nationwide! It started back in April. It will be over in July when they start the new budget or something like that. Being an on-call artist was my only job because I had been working consitsantly every week for a year, but thats done! I'm still job hunting.

Whatever the case, good luck!


Well-known member
Like the above poster said its a national freeze. The only hiring they are doing is internally. However here (Bay Area) they are still allowing on-call hiring its just very limited and the freelancers aren't really getting any hours. Get in contact with the manager of a location you'd like to work at and start communication with them. Even if they don't hire again until July you will have a much better chance of a smooth quick hiring if you make it good with the managers from now.


Well-known member
This goes back to the whole contreversy on rather the Estee Lauder take over was a good thing. Supposedly EL as a whole is not doing well and thus as a result the company is cutting back as a whole. Though MAC sales aren't down they're still on a hiring freeze as a result of the nationwide cutback. There were several MAs let go in my area.


Well-known member
Well this is interesting to know seeing as how i just had an interview yesterday. So what do you think the deal is with that? Im in Houston, so are they going to possibly start hiring soon in this area. I really was looking to have another job soon as i need the extra cash flow. Any MA in the area know? Thx ahead of time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by badtzmaru74
Well this is interesting to know seeing as how i just had an interview yesterday. So what do you think the deal is with that? Im in Houston, so are they going to possibly start hiring soon in this area. I really was looking to have another job soon as i need the extra cash flow. Any MA in the area know? Thx ahead of time

Don't worry it doesn't mean they won't hire you. If the counter already has the hours and they're short staffed then that's one thing. As of now nobody is getting more hours budgeted into their schedule.

Example, I'm 20 hours a week and I can't work more then that because that's all they have in the budget for me. Our counter is fully staffed so nobody is getting any extra hours.