MAC or Bobbi Brown freelance???


New member
Hi everyone!

I had a few questions about Freelancing for MAC or Bobbi Brown.

I interviewed for both. I did the 3 step interview for MAC and I got a call to go in to fill out the freelancing paper work. However, this was a 2 month process and I feared that I wouldn't get the job. SO, I interviewed at Bobbi Brown and got the job and have training next week.

Now, I am stuck in making a decision. If I go with MAC and not go ahead with Bobbi, I fear that they may pay me less and I have heard that their freelancers for MAC don't get calls frequently- leaving them waiting months for the next time they need them. I don't know much about freelancing for Bobbi Brown, but I did like the atmosphere and the pay is pretty good.

What should I do?
Does anyone have experience freelancing for either company?
Does MAC freelancer get paid well, if so how much?
What is a better company to work for?
Can I freelance for both?

I would appreciate any feedback!



They are both owned by Estee Lauder and you can freelance for both. Your not a perm employee so you are free to work for both. As a freelancer you need to work for more than one line to keep busy. Iss have freelanced over the years for Prescripives, MAC, Smashbox and Clinique. HTH