MAC Prep + Prime CC Colour Correct (February 6, 2014)


Well-known member
Yeah. Just reminding em cuz i keep seeing recommendations of using them on the lips and eyes in this and other threads.


Well-known member
I want to be wearing Riri boy at my funeral and bury with all my makeup. ;) I tell this to my mom all the time. Lol Edit: this is post #222 of 222. Creepy. Maybe I shouldn't speak of my funeral. At least it's not post #666 of 666


Well-known member
Love this look, your skin just looks naturally flawless and glowing! May I ask what MAC foundation is closest to your skin tone and where the products were used? (and if you know, how applied, the brushes and all) I still love this hair color on you BTW.
Thank you! I always think my skin looks like a wreck, but I think every one thinks that way. And I am so loving the pink hair. It's fading a little now and I have dark roots (why does my hair only grow when it's been colored???).

I'm using:
  • MAC Studio Fix NW 13
  • CC Illuminate cream under eyes in a v, a small stripe down my nose, and a small amount above my cupid's bow
  • CC Cream in adjust over my cheeks
  • CC powder in Illuminate all over face
  • So Sweet, So Easy cream blush behind the apples of the cheeks
  • Perfect Topping on top of cheek bones and nose

I used the 188 brush for applying and blending everything. I should haven used a fluffier brush for the CC powder, but I was on a roll and didn't switch.

I am loving Perfect Topping. I have two; one with a lot of lavendar and one with just a little. I think it suits my skin perfectly. The CC products are really great and I use them every day now.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if something isn't clear or you want more detail
I love how we help each other!!
Thank you for taking the time to post all of that! I am about your paleness (NC15 or so about now) so I think I can get away with Illuminate and want to try the CC cream. I wonder if I can use it over concealer, but I may try the yellow powder to help with redness, that is the main reason I wear foundation is to cover that up! Your look just looks natural and pretty.


Well-known member
im an NC30, i tried both loose powders and i think the Illuminate was the one that i can benefit more from. I already use the BB cream which realy helps toning down my redness (that has gotten way better thanks to a better skin routine... . Ive been using the illuminate all over to set my BB and i do see a difference, my usual winter skin looks brighter and more awake.. it has helped with the dullness and it blurs my pores.. i tried the yellow powder but it was too powdery on my skin.. and frankly the redness help i needed i get from my bb. if you dont use a bb already by all means try the creams.


Well-known member
Thank you for taking the time to post all of that!  I am about your paleness (NC15 or so about now) so I think I can get away with Illuminate and want to try the CC cream.  I wonder if I can use it over concealer, but I may try the yellow powder to help with redness, that is the main reason I wear foundation is to cover that up!  Your look just looks natural and pretty.
If it goes over foundation, it should be a snap over concealer. Just use the powders. I've been trying the yellow just around my nose and it looks really good. I didn't think I'd buy anything from this collection, and here I am, yelling its praises. They all feel so light, like you're not adding a lot of product to your face and getting oily and clogged because of it. Thank you for all the warm compliments. They made my day!


Well-known member
i tried the yellow powder but it was too powdery on my skin.. and frankly the redness help i needed i get from my bb. if you dont use a bb already by all means try the creams.
Thanks for the review! Any thoughts on the light peach corrector?


Well-known member
Today I used the illuminate, and then put on the Chanel Rosee.. I thought I would look like a rose petal
lol.. on first app, it looked a bit slick and pinky and then settled into a lovely sheen -- I just used my illuminate loose powder mixed with some LaMer loose powder and my skin felt kissable.

I don't seem to need much more coverage for daytime.


Well-known member
Yup i agree w @hergreyness. I used it today w my bb, put some blush and mascara and I was out. I'm liking this a lot


Well-known member
Thank you for all of the great information and the fabulous reviews and pics! I just picked up my first CC cream---the MA suggested the Adjust, so we will see how it goes! She suggested that I use it under my eyes for brightening. Edit: Just read the comments made towards the beginning of the thread about not using products with SPF under the eyes. VERY good to know.

A great shout out to Liba whose fantastic photo inspired be to get my butt down to Mac and give the CC a whirl! THANK YOU! And PS. Did you hear that there are some new lipsticks on the horizon that compare to (but are even superior) to the Huggables? This was news to me!



Well-known member
Thanks for the helpful information. I'm considering the cream instead of the powders - both the Neutralize & Illuminate.

I've also been thinking about the Adjust if its close in color to the FM beauty powder which makes my skin look flawless. From the swatch it looks like it may be similar?

It would have been nice for MAC to have had an artist do a video showing the use for all four shades.
I picked up the Adjust today, and so far, so good (I prefer the cream personally). I gave my FM beauty powder to a good friend
(hits head) so I can't really comment on the comparison. It is a very pale light peach illuminating color though and makes my skin look flawless! Perhaps you can give it a try in person?


Well-known member
Oh wait. Light peach is awake or something right? That one I didn't try. I tried the YELLOW for correction: it did work but i didn't need a second redness item. If you are not using a bb and u have redness. This is a good option. @bluelitzer


Well-known member
Oh wait. Light peach is awake or something right? That one I didn't try. I tried the YELLOW for correction: it did work but i didn't need a second redness item. If you are not using a bb and u have redness. This is a good option. @bluelitzer
Light peach is Adjust. It's very nice.


Well-known member
I cannot strss enough for people to try these in person if possible. These are not something that everyone needs and some don't even need it all over....


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

Oh wait. Light peach is awake or something right? That one I didn't try. I tried the YELLOW for correction: it did work but i didn't need a second redness item. If you are not using a bb and u have redness. This is a good option. @bluelitzer

Light peach is Adjust. It's very nice.
That**** hehe. I couldn't recall.


Well-known member
Very true. Definitely try it in person. I probably don't really need it, but I generally don't wear foundation and a bit of coverage is nice once in awhile! The girl knew exactly which one I should try, and I quite like it.


Well-known member
But what a way to go!
Hehe, spoken like the true glitter-on-the-eyelids daredevil that you are!

I actually took a look in the book today and quizzed the brand manager about the eye and lip use for the CCs and the P&P Natural Radiance. Both of these products are listed as not approved for lip and eye. However, just to twist your brain around, every product comes with suggested application steps for use, designed by national trainers and the Natural Radiance steps specifically say to sweep the product on the cheeks, nose and "under the brow bone", before using strobe cream on the cheekbones and then dusting down the center of the face with Careblend powder to finish. Kind of contradictory.

So I brought the subject up to the manager and this is what he had to say: They are required to say "not approved for the eye" when the product has only been tested and approved by a dermatologist and not also an ophthalmologist. If it gets checked and approved by an ophthalmologist too, then they don't need the warning. So, some of it is just a cost saving measure to a certain extent. He personally feels that the CC creams are very specifically supposed to be used under the eyes and he personally feels that they're fine on the brow bones, just not on the eyelid where it could possibly sweat into your eye. He remembered some obviously eye-only pigment colors, like blue and green, that you'd never be using on the face, that weren't approved for the eye, so there was always a tacit, go ahead and use it at your own risk element. Fortunately, a lot of those really question mark pigments and ingredients are a thing of the past.

I don't think using these items in the eye area will be any more of an issue that using those super glittery MES - heck those are riskier, if you ask me. As for the lips, an MA first tried that out on me and I'm A-OK with continuing it myself. I DO blot my lips down all the way before I eat a full meal, though, and do that no matter what I have on them, because the idea of eating lipstick and gloss is pretty yech to me. Heck, when the subject in one of these threads got on that topic of the reality show where deranged people eat their makeup all day long and finish up with dirty diapers and cat hair for dessert, I had to CLOSE THREAD.
All I can do is guess they're not lip safe due to the sunscreen ingredients.

If you're OK with proceeding with foreknowledge and caution, I'm still gonna say, that lavender CC is a great look under lipstick and your lips are very soft at the end of the day.


Well-known member
Thank you for all of the great information and the fabulous reviews and pics! I just picked up my first CC cream---the MA suggested the Adjust, so we will see how it goes! She suggested that I use it under my eyes for brightening. Edit: Just read the comments made towards the beginning of the thread about not using products with SPF under the eyes. VERY good to know.

A great shout out to Liba whose fantastic photo inspired be to get my butt down to Mac and give the CC a whirl! THANK YOU! And PS. Did you hear that there are some new lipsticks on the horizon that compare to (but are even superior) to the Huggables? This was news to me!

My MA really outdid himself that day!!
I've been using them pretty much every day I wear makeup now and I've had great results with them. I can't really get away without using some tinted powder or foundation with them, but they definitely let me use a lot less of either so the end result is much more smooth and natural, plus there's the added benefit of adding a lot of staying power.

Right now, I've been experimenting with the pink Natural Radiance on the cheeks, forehead and under the eyes with a little yellow CC around the nose area where it's reddest, then dusting with Careblend or Elude or Centre of Attention MSF and I'm loving that for something quick and casual. My powder stays on forever like this. The trick for me will be just exactly what combo of products and brushes will allow me to use the least amount of everything and have the most "bare skin" look and feel. For someone who's always been more of a bare skin person and rarely wore foundation or heavy powders, the way these products combine to give such a smooth, even look has really won me over and I'm keeping them in the day to day rotation. It'll be interesting to see what will or won't change in the routine as we get into the summer.

Also, are you thinking about those Patentpolish lip pencils? That seems to be the going opinion about them from people who've had a chance to see them already!