Mac Return Question


Well-known member
Hello. I have a question. I made a purchase a few days ago at a freestanding MAC store and need to return one of the items I bought. I wanted to know if I can make the return to a different freestanding store (since the one I bought it from is out of my way)? I have the receipt, and it is still in the box

Also I wanted to know if the return will affect the MA sales, the one who sold it to me or the one processing the return? I ask because the MA who sold it to me was really nice, and I feel bad but the lip color does not work at all for me.

Thanks for your help guys.


Well-known member
You may just want to call the store you want to do the return at and check. They may not take the return for the reason you list in your second paragraph. If the lip color doesn't work for you, you might consider exchanging it rather than returning it. That way the MA won't lose a sale.


Well-known member
I think I will do an exchange. I just dont have access to the store I got it from, so it will have to be another store. But just to clarify.. an MA looses a sale from return but not from an exchange? Even when this exchange isn't processed by them?

Sorry for all the questions. Thanks guys for your help.


Well-known member
You can return/exchange at any freestanding store as long as you have your receipt.

Th artist that sold you the original product will lose the sale, whether its returned or exchanged, and if you exchange it, the artist that sells you the new product gets that sale.


Well-known member
Another important note is that you may only return the product 30 days (only with receipt) after the original purchase. If its after 30 days or you're missing your reciept, you're stuck with it no exceptions.


Well-known member
Ok so I was able to take care of everything. Thanks again everyone for clarifying things for me.