MAC Tough Love Collection


Well-known member
No, Sin is a formerly PRO only colour that seems to have worked its way into the regular Mac line. (It now shows up on the regular site.) It's a matte shade of very dark reddish-purple. I believe it goes back a few years when there was a handful of vampy matte lipsticks introduced to the pro line (I was very happy). Here's a photo:

I forgot all about this color. A while back, I was saying on the boards that MAC needs to put out a matte this color. Totally forgot they already did. I have to call and see if any of these are on counters on in stores. I have a B2M stash for it.


Well-known member
[quote name="shontay07108" url="/forum/thread/173193/mac-tough-love-collection#post_2077194"][quote name="Alty" url="/forum/thread/173193/mac-tough-love-collection#post_2077193"] I had no idea there was such thing as "russian red" lipglass. Why is this?

I've never seen it at my counter, and I swear I have looked for a red lipglass. Is it a PRO shade?
Now I want it, sob.
[/quote] No, it's available at regular Mac stores and online. If you can't spot it on your own, ask for assistance. [/quote] I will, ta. :D

Allura Beauty

Well-known member
Lipmixes are basically tubes of pigment. You can use them alone if you want a really opaque cream color or you can mix it with other lipsticks you have to customize a color. The consistency is a little thick and can be drying on the lips if you use it straight out of the tube.

You can definitely use them regardless of what kind of consumer you are, but they're more commonly used by makeup artists to create custom lip colors on set.

Hope that helps!

Okay, I didn't really consider myself a MAC n00b, but guess I still am sometimes. What the heck is a lipmix? More importantly, do I need one?


Well-known member
i was wondering i guess i will hear about it at update. it would be nice if they brought the lip mix's to the counter it would save me from ordering from macpro


Well-known member
I'm curious about the lip mixes and want to know more - which one would be good to get? Out of the lippies listed I own Ruby Woo and GABT.

I had Rebel but didn't care for it so I B2M'd it.

I'm also curious about Sin - does it look like Wild 'Bout You?

I also have most of the lip pencils listed as well.

Do the lip mixes work with lip pencils or would that be too drying?



Well-known member
the lip mixes are pretty much like the occ lip tars i believe :) i doubt it would be too drying using one over a lip pencil as long as you have used a lip balm before applying everything :)


Well-known member

I don't believe I've ever seen the lip mixes @ regular MAC stores. I would love to try one before buying.



Well-known member
Got Sin in the mail today. MAC counters and stores NEED to add this color to their line up. forget just being pro only!

Diva is the darkest available matte outside of pro now, and that has nothing on Sin. love it!


Specktra Bestie
1001%!!! This is a gorgeous colours and I'm so glad to see that someone else is appreciating it!!!!! Sin is a super-deep, rich colour and there is nothing like it in the permanent line. Here's hoping that it finds a permanent home.

Unfortunately, I think this is the only one of the deep mattes being made permanent. The others- Charred Red, Smoked Purple and a warmer one whose name escapes me, are being discontinued even from the pro site as far as I know.

Got Sin in the mail today. MAC counters and stores NEED to add this color to their line up. forget just being pro only!

Diva is the darkest available matte outside of pro now, and that has nothing on Sin. love it!


Well-known member
I saw a Sin at my CCO this weekend but I skipped it because I am chicken. I have Media, Cyber and Mystic and they really take care of my pale pasty complexion with the dark goth lip needs. Also, I have Kittenish and I love that one , even though it isn't matte. Honestly, Cyber is as dark as I think I can go without looking like I have necrosis of the lips. But Sin is gorgeous! If I could rock unconventional looks more often, I'd be all over it!

I may be heretical for saying this, but MAC lip pencils really don't stay put for me as well as I'd like them too. Do you ladies find them to wander or fade quickly? I'd love some truly matte lip pencils that stay put...