Makers, Thinkers....


Well-known member
Okay, so those of you that work for MAC & have gone to basic training know what we learn about different customer types: Makers, Thinkers etc. And there is a website that we can go to & take a survey & find out what category we fall into. Does anyone know what website that is? Everyone at my work knows about it, but none of them can remember what website it is. So does anyone here know?


Well-known member

Not sure how useful this will be, I havent been on Basic yet. But I have heard about the different types of customers etc ...I dont know if there is a test that will indicate which category we fall into, but Myers Briggs is the famous theory behind personality types and there are a LOT of questionnaires online that help determine which of her categories you would fall into (introvert, extrovert etc)...

HTH in some kinda way... xxx


Well-known member
Is it in your basic book?? If so, don't stress. Just use that as your guide because you will come across ones that aren't mentioned in there than the ones that are. LMAO!!