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Milani Depotting Tutorial


Well-known member
Hey All!
I don't know if this will be helpful b/c Milani's are pretty easy to depot but since I was going a few I thought I'd just snap some pictures and show ya'll how I do it.

Step 1: Gather all the tools you need.
- Pushpin
- Eyeshadow Palette
- Scissors
- Magnet
- Eyeshadow to depot


Step 2: Peel off the sticker on the back of the eyeshadow.


Step 3: Cut out the name of the eyeshadow and stick it onto the unsticky side of the magnet. (Sorry for the really bad pic. :p)


Step 4: You can do this with the eyeshadow closed if you want. Stick the pushpin into the little hole in the back and set it on the table and push down.


Step 4a: Open the lid if you've had it closed and push again till the shadow kind of "pops" out. Since the pushpin has a built in stopper, the eyeshadow will only come out as far as the pin goes in.


Step 5: Ta daa! Depotted eyeshadow!


Step 6: Stick the magenet on the back and press to make it flat.

Step 7: Pop it on the tray and voila~! Instant cheap Christmas gift. Ohh just kidding



Well-known member
omg that is waaaaay easier than burning it!!! now my mom wont get mad at me for burning the fork!! thanks for sharing!


Well-known member

i'm always afraid to use heat because i'm afraid i'll cause a couple casualities or something.

i wish MAC shadows had the little hole in the back like the Milani shadows do...if you could find an easier way to depot MAC shadows w/o burning them, i'll love you forever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xiahe

i'm always afraid to use heat because i'm afraid i'll cause a couple casualities or something.

i wish MAC shadows had the little hole in the back like the Milani shadows do...if you could find an easier way to depot MAC shadows w/o burning them, i'll love you forever.

The best way I found to depot MAC e/s was to use a cheap hairdryer. I say cheap because they get ridiculously hot.
I just pop out the insert, hold it with tweezers and use the hairdryer to melt the glue. Takes a bit longer than the candle method, but no fumes, no mess, and the pot still looks perfect. After I heat up the insert I just use an dull exacto blade with the tip broken off (more leverage) to gently scoop it out. I've never broken a shadow this way.
But a word of caution, the glue needs to be loose enough. Do this enough times and you'll know when that is, but generally, if the bottom of the plastic is HOT it might be ready, if you can still touch it comforably or it's warm, DO NOT NOT NOT depot! Keep heating it.

If you are at the stage where you can start to pry it out, start at once place and move the blade around. Always take it out and reinsert it at a different spot otherwise you might accidentally run over you e/s wih the blade.

If the glue is loose enough it will pry right out with no problem. Pry slowly enough so you will be able to see cracking (which means the glue isn't melted enough) or the metal pan bending. Go back and reheat till it's good.

hehe HTH!

I've also heard of people using Goo Gone to depot pre-made Quads. I think it would work for the pots too but there isn't as much wiggle room.


Well-known member
thanks! maybe i'll have to try the hair dryer method...i've also heard of using a hair straightener (you just rest the shadow on the flat iron) but i've always wondered if the melted pot would get stuck to the iron...which is why i'm too afraid to try that method. but the hair dryer seems like a go. thanks again! ♥


Well-known member
thanks for this tutorial! I just figured out how to do this yesterday with my milani shadows and just pokin 'em out is sooo easy! thanks again!

*EDIT* be careful if you use something too sharp, because I used a pin and it actually pushed through the aluminum, and broke one of my shadows! But I pressed it back and it was ok, but if it gives you a lot of resistance, don't push too hard, try using something like an uncurled paperclip to push it out. hth!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vloky
isn't there also a freeze method to depot mac eyeshadow?

yes, but i've had someone (who is a member on Specktra) try this method and they claimed that it didn't work...supposedly, "freezing" a shadow is supposed to make the glue brittle and easy to break, but this isn't the case. you're better off using heat.


Well-known member
Google is worthless! You, on the other hand, are my hero :)

So a thumb tack is the secret... I was seriouslly considering a hammer and nail! I'm sure that's a bit on the extreem side of depotting though


Well-known member
Originally Posted by krazysexxykool
Where can you buy small magnets online for this purpose?

i just bought magnets from the walgreens down the street.


Well-known member
hwt am i doing wrong!?
i tried a paperclip, a pin, a bobbi pin opened up. i must have gotten some with supersonic glue or something. I even added heat and still nothin!
am I supposed to break something first like how one pops the top part of a mac shadow off?

Ok i finally got them out but had to use the lighter/heat method and brute force. still they are beautiful and i love having them in my mac pallete. However i did take the top part out of THAT so I can fit more e/s' in and I really like it!
I think I will put that back on after I get a few more pallettes because it looks neater...rambling...


Well-known member
oi i have like a billion little milani e/s compacts...i can finally depot them properly and put them in a palette now
love it!!