Mommy "co op" groups importing from China


Active member
I used to be part of a bunch of these coop groups on facebook for cloth diapers and eco friendly things like soap nuts and wool dryer balls, but this year alot started to focus on makeup, more specifically MAC counterfeits. I was even kicked out of a few by calling them out on the counterfeiting and the health hazards these pose.

The items were mostly MAC in Hello Kitty or Lady Gaga or perm line packaging - blushes, palettes, lipsticks, glosses, foundations. Also Benefit and the Balm items too. Its gross.

Any idea how to get these things stopped?


Well-known member
I haven't ever heard of this, I think it's interesting how people are utilizing groups on FB for this. I don't know how it's to be stopped, but thank you for bringing light to the problem. Maybe others here will have more insight.