My boring life


Well-known member
i dont know if this is really deep, but just wanted to be the one who writes and get some answers and support

i left my job in december and my boyfriend and the house i used to share with him in january... since then its all the same. i feel lonely, i still have no job, i have no boy, i have only one friend and she works a lot and have a boyfriend, so... i feel like im stuck!

i look for job, i give my CVs in the places i would like to work and wait, but nothing! i try to do something with my time and be busy but... nothing.
sorry for being so depress today, but its saturday night and im here alone, my brother is going out, my msn contacts seem to be out too, and i think im gonna go to sleep in a little while

i cant wait till this finish! at least i want a work where to spend time and know more people, and have money to go out even alone:confused:


Well-known member
aww don't worry i sometimes feel like this and i NEVER go out on a saturday night

im leaving school soon and will be doing practically nothing about from working for a year and a bit and i want to do things ive always wanted to in this time! i want to go to NYC and Egypt and join a gym and go swimming running and maybe start horseriding again just cos i want to!

have you thought about that?

give yourself something to look forward to

on the job front I dont know where you've applied to but wherever you go into ask to speak to the manager cos then they give you the once over without even reading your cv and you can be stupidly charming smiley etc... and they can put a face to a piece of paper it just gives you a chance to sell yourself in person.

i have friends who have bfs and i used to go out with them every weekend and we used to ring each other every nite or every other night and now... nothing its a shame really but never mind.
i don't plan to find a new bf this year (my new year
) but im looking forward to doing everything i want to do in my own time


Well-known member
thank you!!
i go to the gym , looking for jobs, walking my dog, visiting my family and all that.
but i still feel empty and bored

im not looking for a boyfriend, but someone to take me out or something. lol. even i would like to have some more girlfriends and just go for a walk, but im stuck!! i havent done nothing in all this time

in september im going to german classes, but till then i think this summer its gonna be loooooooooooooooong

also im a bit sad cos the island next to me is doing a good live gig, and i want to go! but it seems im going alone


Well-known member
who cares if your'e by yourself i bet loads of other people are it also gives you the chance to meet other people

for me i bought this book called 'the life plan' it was really inspirational (if thats the right word) to read beacause it made everything sound simple and made me get what i want out of things

check it out if you can

have you tried talking to your friend?

if not just say you would maybe like to spend more time with her have a girls night out or in
rent a movie, drink homemade cocktails, eat junk food and generally just have a laugh


Well-known member
Have you thought about volunteering? You may find something you enjoy doing , as well as meeting new people..friends and job contacts.


Well-known member
Have you tried role-playing?

It's what I've done when I first went to school here, and when I moved to Amman (World of Darkness here). Groups range from 3-20ish people who story tell by role playing characters. Pretty fun.

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade (or Vampire: Requiem) and Dungeons&Dragons are really popular and easy to get into. Check comic book stores, book stores or google for groups.