my mac interview experience (UK)


New member
Hi ladies, i've been looking through this site for a while now and as soon as I received a phone call last week asking me to have an interview with them I jumped at the chance but I couldn't find a lot of info on an interview for a cashier position.
It says it all in the name but a cashier position is basically working for MAC but just not making people up etc.
You basically work the tills, stock up, advise customers, and just keep the store nice and shiny looking!

So, here is my experience...
I got left a voicemail by a really nice girl asking me to call back and arrange an interview, when I did she said it would be in a few days at a local hotel and that I would find out more about the job when I got there.
She told me to dress in the obvious MAC black and bring a copy of my passport.
I was so nervous, I didn't know what to expect, especially after reading all the stories on here, but I was also very excited it's been my dream to work for MAC ever since I was a young teen!

I got to the hotel about ten minutes before my interview, I wasnt sure if it was a group interview seeing as they had chosen a bigger location than the store that was literally down the road, there didn't seem to be any other people about so I asked at reception, a lady told me it was being held in the beauty treatment rooms and to go over there.
I went over and waited...and waited, but no one turned up so I went back over to the reception and spoke to a different lady who told me that it wasn't in the treatment rooms and it was being held on the terrace, she wished me luck and told me I was the third MAC interviewee in that day...
I got a bit panicked thinking I must have kept them waiting so rushed up there and nobody was there, I sat there for another fifteen minutes, they were now 20 minutes late and when they finally arrived they didn't even apologise which annoyed me a bit... but I let it go, kept bubbly and introduced myself.
There was the store manager who seemed really nice and his assistant who was also lovely and who I had spoken to on the phone.
The manager explained that it was a Christmas Temp position for a Cashier, he asked if this was okay and I said it was fine, I would love to be an artist for MAC but a foot in the door is better than nothing right?
He then explained it was only two days a week at weekends, this shocked me a bit, I didnt let on this but I then felt a little disheartened, I knew I couldnt finish my current job to work for MAC 2 days a week. It's christmas and times are hard!
Anyway, I listened out of politeness and I wanted to still have the interview, just in case there was a chance it was worth leaving my current job, he passed me over to his assistant who introduced herself and said she would be taking notes and the manager would ask me questions.

Firstly, he asked about my makeup background, he said he'd seen on my CV I was a trained makeup artist and he wanted to know where I trained and my experience.
That was easy enough, I explained everything in detail and he was really interested in knowing every detail.
He then wanted to know about my retail experience and asked me the following questions:
Why do you want to work for MAC?
What do you know about the company? (explain the usual about Viva Glam, Back2Mac) he seemed impressed by this!
Name a time you've given good customer service?
Name a time you've had to deal with a bad customer and how did you deal with it?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What can you bring to the team?
How can you work with a team and what does being part of a team mean to you?
Name a current A/W trend? I said berry coloured lips and this is where I f***** up! I love MAC but he said name a product you would use to create the lips! For the life of me I couldnt think of one, I was thinking of lip colours like Ruby Woo, Snob, Angel- Anything but berry colours, the more I tried to think the more I panicked so we moved on swiftly....
We just had a general chat and then he asked his assistant if she had anything to ask me....
She said, 'We've obviously interviewed a lot of people who want this position, why should we hire you, what makes you different?' Can't remember exactly what I said but it was along the lines of knowing MAC as a brand, being an enthusiastic customer assistant and being able to give the customers personal advice and help out with customers when the shop was busy during the christmas period and assisting the rest of the team...
It was worded much better than this ha ha and they seemed really impressed with my answer. They told me I would find out Monday/Tuesday and thanked me then I left. I don't know if I got it, they didn't ask for a copy of my passport so not sure if I needed that? I kinda hope I got it but I don't know whether i'll take it, due to limited hours available...

Anyway, sorry if this was a bit of a ramble but people have been really kind on here sharing their experiences so I thought another one cant hurt eh?! :)
Hiya, Im SOOO glad i came across this, Ive got a phone interview with Mac and I was wondering if you had to have one and what you experience was like also? please reply, Thanks, and also did you get the job?