my new make up cabinet!


Well-known member
I'm mainly posting this for a work mate who wanted to see just how much mac stuff i owned and how i store it! so here is my make up cabinet just for Matt


the cabinet is pretty tall and it has two draws at the bottom and glass shelves inside. i got it in a charity shop for £50!


on the top shelf i have all my pigments by mac and glitters too. there are full sized jars, vials and samples from some lovely specktra ladies! on the second shelf you can see my blush palette in the left along with msf's, sculpt and shape, ccb and a hello kitty blush. then i have eyeshadow palettes and 4 quads i made up myself. the i have 2 eyeshadow palettes and a paint and eyeliner mixing medium. and to the right of the cabinet i have a piccie of me and nick and paint pots and my only fluidline and only mineral eyeshadow!


on the bottom section of the cabinet is my lip stuff - lip glosses and stick. plus a glitz gloss, tendertone and lip conditioner. plus fix+ and normal mising medium goes here. then i have all my SE mac brushes in hello kittys head. randomly my kabuki and 165 are left out.. and in teh red bag is my other face and eye brushes and in the silver bag is foundation, powder, eye and lip liners... that kinda thing.


in teh first drawer i keep all my other brands of make up (only mac gets the hot spot!) one tub is for random stuff like palettes and lashes, the next is eye stuff, then face stuff and finally lipstick, gloss and balm!

the bottom drawer of the cabinet is filled with cotton pads, nail stuff and general beauty things!

hope you likey!


Well-known member
thanks guys! yeah i like the glass doors because my kitty is so naughty he deliberatley knocks things over! and would hate for him to wreck my make up! the worst he ever did was when i was washing my brushes he was running away with them after i'd put them on a towel so i'd have to wash them again!!


Well-known member
Oh man! That's such a good idea, I love it! I feel you on the kitties... I have to keep all my gear locked up in my traincase because I have a herd of cats who like to mangle and play with my MU. I want something like that! I love it because you can admire it while it's still locked up and safe.


Well-known member
a herd of cats?! that's amazing! i only have 2 so not quite a herd... but i'd have more if hubby let me!!

dylan tries to open the glass doors of the cabinet but hasn't managed it yet thank goodness! he used to roll pigment jars around the bloody floor!!! not good at all! he does however jump on top of the cabinet where all my perfumes are and hair stuff... as well as my sony speaker system - not good when the speakers get knocked to the floor!


Well-known member
thanks guys! when my friend saw it at the weekend she said it looked like a shop display or something!


Well-known member
I love it!!! It's really gorgeous!! Makes your entire collection to stand out. You're so organized and neat.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
a herd of cats?! that's amazing! i only have 2 so not quite a herd... but i'd have more if hubby let me!!

dylan tries to open the glass doors of the cabinet but hasn't managed it yet thank goodness! he used to roll pigment jars around the bloody floor!!! not good at all! he does however jump on top of the cabinet where all my perfumes are and hair stuff... as well as my sony speaker system - not good when the speakers get knocked to the floor!

There is also very little worse than finding a stray cat hair on a lipstick!! My Moomin gets my empty liipgloss and lipstick cases for toys glued shut with beads inside so they rattle!!


Well-known member
Drooool! I love the cabinet and how professionally and neat and tidy you have everything right at your fingertips! It all looks gorgeous on wood and glass! Fabulous collection...I want to come over and play!!


Well-known member
What a lovely display! I daren't put mine on display as then I'd have to face up to my 'addiction' and there's nothing worse than having your parents keep nagging you about not needing so much makeup, and about spending all that money on it.

Great idea using the glass cabinet to protect your goodies from the cats

sunshine rose

Well-known member
Thats amazing! It's all protected (from the cats lol) but at the same time you can see everything so easily. And it looks so pretty!! Good job